Black Adagio

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Book: Black Adagio by Wendy Potocki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Potocki
kept it firmly at her side.
    “Hate you? No, I don't hate you, Viktor.”
    “Then what? What is it, Una? Did I do something so terrible that you can't even tell me? Please, I want to know!”
    “It's over, Viktor. You are living in the past. Right now, we have to look to who will dance the lead.”
    “You mean, it won't be that talentless girl you've stuck me with?”
    “Brandi? No, it will not be Brandi. She is incapable of dancing that role. Not even if we water down the choreography. And I don’t know why you’re complaining. You got to cast the rest.”
    “Because she’s wrong for the role! Please, tell me why she was given that part since she was your choice; not mine!”
    “Money. Her parents are quite wealthy. Her father promised a huge contribution if she got a role and was included in our company.”
    “Una! You're not thinking of adding her to our company's ranks? She will dismantle our credibility before we even begin!”
    “ We , again? Viktor, this is my company! Mine!” she emphatically stated, pounding her chest‘ “You have helped me enormously, and are responsible for us being here. It’s a beautiful building and I’m very appreciative of that, but I make the decisions on what is best for me . And right now, I need that money. So, yes, she will be a member of the company. That ensures the contributions will continue for many years. Her father has already set up a trust that …”
    “Oh, don't give me that look! You know some decisions are monetary! It's part and parcel of running such a company!”
    “Never money over artistic integrity! Never!”
    “Then who should I choose for the lead?”
    “I don't want that production to exist! We decided on Swan Lake! I can stage it! We agreed!”
    “I've changed my mind. Swan Lake is no more. Now who is your choice, Viktor? Who do you believe can dance such a role?”
    “Well, I don't know. The big girl is not bad, but ...”
    “Collette? Oh, no, she's the wrong type and you know it!”
    “Then perhaps that other girl ... Zoe something or other ...” 
    “Not a bad choice. She has the body and technique, but not the heart. And you didn't mention the obvious selection. Perhaps there is something in you that makes you bypass artistic choices also?”
    “I don't know what you mean,” he side stepped evasively. Not convincing, Una saw through the lie.
    “Of course, you do.”
    Dropping his head into the palm of one hand, he exhaled heavily. 
    “It's just she reminds me so much of you. I can't stand to look at her at times. She would be a carbon copy except for her ....”
    “Adagio, I know. Does she really remind you so much of me?”
    “Yes, you must see the resemblance. And she has that same passion. She breathes dance, just like you. It is a crown she wears.”
    Una walked to the door. Melissa ducked back so she wouldn't be seen.
    “Well, luckily for you, it is not your decision.”
    “Yes, it is Alexei's. Then you persist knowing the ballet is cursed?”
    “And there is no changing your mind knowing that whatever girl you select will die?”
    “You are being so overly dramatic, Viktor.”
    “Let sleeping dogs lie, Una.”
    “In spite of the histrionics, the answer is no,” she stated flatly.
    “Then damn you, Una! And him! You can both go straight to hell.”
    She was so caught up in the conversation that she forgot she was eavesdropping. Viktor's chilling words repeating in her head, she hightailed it away from the door. Just making it to the staircase on the other side of the hall, he exited. Una watched him for a moment before closing the door. Hearing it shut, he pivoted, shrieking out, “MADNESS!” His shadow growing on the walls of the stairwell, it was like a hungry monster set on enveloping the school in its dark presence.
    Trying to calm her breathing, it wasn't her first excursion into the treacherous nature of adults saying one thing and doing another. Una had lied to them all when she’d

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