Carrier 02: Shadow of the Mark

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Book: Carrier 02: Shadow of the Mark by Leigh Fallon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Fallon
over the near-murderous thoughts I have toward Adam every time he touches you? Do you know how screwed up this is, Megan? Whatever you’re doing, stop it.”
    Anger boiled up in me. “You think it’s me doing this? Did it ever cross your mind that it’s you? I love Adam. I’d never be with you. EVER. So get over yourself.” But the thudding in my chest threatened to betray my words.
    He stepped closer to me, his body brushing against mine. “I don’t want you either,” he growled, staring at my lips. “I don’t.” The words caught in his throat as his mouth dropped to mine.
    Rían jumped back. His eyes darted to Caitlin, who stood tapping her foot beside us. Rían stumbled over himself and disappeared into the men’s room.
    I was still pressed against the wall, heart racing as my chest burned. I raised a hand to my mouth, running my fingers over the tingling skin where Rían’s lips had briefly met mine.
    “What are you doing?” Caitlin asked, wide-eyed with shock. She grabbed my hand and hauled me back into the bathroom.
    I moaned, slithering down the wall. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
    “You and Rían . . . seriously?”
    “No! There is no me and Rían—I don’t know what happened. He followed me out, then pinned me against the wall, we were just talking, then . . .”
    “What about Adam and Chloe?”
    “It was just a moment of stupidity. It will NEVER happen again.”
    Caitlin’s eyes glazed over with disappointment. “I thought you and Adam were happy.”
    “We are, it’s just . . .”
    “Just what?” she said, sliding down the wall beside me and taking my hand. “What’s wrong?”
    “Seeing Chloe and Rían so . . . so physical. Maybe . . . I don’t know, I think I might be a little jealous.”
    “And you and Adam don’t . . . ?”
    I shook my head. “It’s complicated. But I do love him. And I don’t want to be with anyone else. It’s just sometimes when Rían looks at me, I get this wave of feelings . . .”
    “But you’ve got Adam, and he’s devoted to you.”
    “Well, I guess we’re all allowed moments of complete and utter stupidity.”
    I frowned. “Forgive me?”
    “Hey, it’s not me who needs to forgive you.”
    I felt my face drop.
    “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. But you better make sure Rían doesn’t plan on opening his mouth, because if he does, you’d be wise to get to Adam first.”
    “You took your time,” Adam said, taking my hand as I returned to the table.
    “Oh, you know us girls in the loos, it’s all fun, fun, fun,” Caitlin said, breezily flopping into the booth beside Matthew.
    I looked at Rían’s stale, untouched pint on the other side of the table and noticed his jacket was gone. “Where did Rían go?”
    “He suddenly had the urgent need to talk to Chloe. No doubt he’s whispering sweet nothings to her at this very second.” Adam laughed. My heart raced. What if Rían told Chloe? How could I have done this to them? How could I have these feelings?
    “You look tired. You want to get out of here?” Adam whispered in my ear.
    I nodded, relieved at the idea of putting distance between myself and the scene of the crime. I leaned into Caitlin. “Do you mind if Adam and I take off?”
    Matthew perked up. “Don’t worry about Caitlin. I’ll make sure she gets home safe,” he said in a voice laden with meaning. He put his arm around a startled-looking Caitlin.
    Áine laughed. “Don’t worry, Caitlin, I will see you home too. Lothario here”—she elbowed Matthew—“can ply his wares another time. Matthew, can’t you see you’re scaring the poor girl?”
    “Aren’t you two sort of an item or something?” Caitlin asked in confusion.
    “No. Our families were kinda hoping we would be, so we just play along, is all,” Áine reassured her.
    Caitlin visibly relaxed and grinned up at me. “In that case, I’ll be fine.”
    “Come on,” Adam said, taking my hand and

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