Who's Afraid of Mr Wolfe?
red-hot shame was back and Ellie wanted to say something about the fact that Gavin had never let them get much experience of presenting, preferring to keep them up in their attic, but she was put out to see Lesley nodding in agreement with Jack. She kept quiet and concentrated on watching the froth slipping down the champagne bottle.
    ‘Look on it as an opportunity to see where we can improve next time,’ Jack said, giving them both a meaningful look. ‘But for now, congratulate yourselves on notbeing mediocre, then go home and forget about it until tomorrow.’
    ‘Do you know, I really, really like Jack,’ Lesley said when he had gone and she had consumed two glasses of champagne. She was all moist-eyed and smiley.
    Ellie sighed. ‘If you go on like this, I’m going to ring up the Lesbian Party and get you expelled. You need to get a grip.’
    ‘No, I do not want a grip,’ Lesley said very precisely, showing how drunk she was. ‘I only have eyes and all other bits for Megan. But he is a sheep in wolf’s clothing that man … a gent and not a werewolf.’
    ‘Crappity, crap, crap, crap,’ Ellie heard herself say, forming the words even more precisely than Lesley had. ‘You are so wrong you couldn’t be wronger. You know nothing … He is a wolf in wolf’s clothing with wolf underpants and matching accessories. However, I will concede that giving us the champagne was extremely decent. Now stop talking gibberish and get Elvis out.’
    Lesley stood up and, after much effort, did as she was asked, and they played a few games of Volley Elvis.
    Another glass of champagne each and they were feeling greatly cheered up. They started to put the various pairs of knickers on their heads and take photos of each other. Then they finished the bottle of champagne, and once Lesley got her jacket sleeves sorted out, she went off to meet Megan.
    Ellie packed up too and in the lift bumped into Jack. Perhaps she should give him credit for not tearing their heads off.
    ‘I’m glad you came back when you did,’ she slurred at him. ‘We were about to make a noose by tying all the knickers together.’
    ‘A little drastic,’ he said dryly. ‘Besides, much as I enjoy administering a good kicking where it’s deserved, I do know you creatives need TLC in these situations. Otherwise next time you’ll play it safe.’
    Well, that was another surprise. He was right: sometimes you needed someone to let you be brave. Ellie gave him a big smile and concentrated on staying upright.
    They had reached the ground floor and Ellie was halfway across reception when she heard Jack call out, ‘Oh, Miss Somerset.’
    This was getting to be a habit. She turned, unsteadily, to face him.
    ‘Don’t think I’m interfering,’ he said, ‘but you might want to take those knickers off your head before you go out on the street.’

    It was almost dusk and Ellie was standing really close to Jack in his office.
    ‘This is very good copy, Ellie,’ he said, smiling. ‘In fact, it’s the best I’ve ever seen. You’re a very good writer. You know that, don’t you?’
    ‘Yes, Jack.’
    ‘And you know how I reward good writers, don’t you, Ellie?’ His voice was so low that it was almost a growl. He took a step nearer.
    Ellie lifted her head and saw the gleam in his eyes. He was so close that she could see the threads in his shirt, the stubble on his chin. He wasn’t moving, just giving her that intense stare.
    She wished he’d stop. Or start. Anything but this mind-blowing anticipation.
    ‘This is how I reward good writers,’ Jack whispered into her ear, and then, bending his head, he kissed her on the lips, pushing his tongue roughly into her mouth. That’sall it took, one kiss and she felt a spasm of passion run through her. She kissed him back just as roughly and felt his hands come round to cup her bottom as he pushed himself against her to show her how turned on he was.
    A few stuttering steps back and she was leaning

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