treasure-box?” Lord Gensifier airily flicked his fingers. “No difficulty there. Whatever funds are jointly available we’ll use-your three thousand ozols as well. It’s all for the common cause.”
“Glinnes could hardly believe his ears. “My three thousand ozols? You want me to advance the fund? While you take an owner’s share of booty?”
Lord Gensifer, smiling, leaned back in his chair. “Why not? Each contributes his best and his most, and each of us profits. That’s the only way to operate. There’s no reason to be scandalized.” Glinnes replaced his goblet on the tray. “It’s just not done. The players contribute their skills, the club funds the treasure-box. I wouldn’t give you an ozol; I’d organize my own team first.”
“Just a moment. Perhaps we can work out a procedure that will please us all. Frankly, I’m short of cash. You need twelve thousand ozols within the year; your three thousand is worthless without the other nine.”
“Not exactly worthless. It represents ten years’ service in the Whelm.”
Lord Gensifer waved aside the remark. “Suppose that you advance three thousand ozols to the fund. The first three thousand ozols we earn will go to you; you’ll have your money back, and then — “The other players wouldn’t allow such an arrangement.” Lord Gensifer pulled at his lower lip. “Well, the money could come from the club’s share of the booty-in other words, out of my personal purse.”
“Suppose there isn’t any purse; suppose we lose my three thousand ozols? Then what? Nothing!”
“We don’t plan to lose! Think positive, Glinnes!”
“I’m thinking positively about my money.”
Lord Gensifer heaved a deep sigh. “As I say, my own financial status is at the moment up in the air … Suppose that we make this arrangement. You advance three thousand ozols to the club treasury. We will at first try for five-thousand-ozol teams, which we should handily demolish, and build up the treasury to ten thousand ozols. We then schedule ten-thousand-ozol teams. At this point booty will be distributed and you will be repaid from the club’s share-the work of a game or two. Thenceforth I will lend you half the club’s share until you have your nine thousand ozols, which you can thereupon repay from your ordinary share.” Glinnes tried to calculate in his head. “I don’t understand any of this. You’ve left me far behind.”
“It’s simple. If we win five ten-thousand ozol games, you, have your money.”
“If we win. If we lose, I have nothing. Not even the three thousand that I have now.”
Lord Gensifer flourished his list of names. “This team won’t lose games, I assure you of that!”
“You don’t have that team! You don’t have a fund. You don’t even have a sheirl.”
“No lack of applicants there, my boy. Not for the Fleharish Gorgons! I’ve already talked to a dozen beautiful creatures.”
“All certified, no doubt.”
“We’ll certify them, never fear! But what a ridiculous business! A naked virgin looks like any other naked girl. Who’s to know the difference?”
“The team. Irrational, I agree, but hussade is an irrational game.”
“I’ll drink to that,” declared Lord Gensifer rather boisterously. “Who cares a fig for rationality? Only Fanschers and Trevanyi!”
Glinnes drained his goblet and rose to his feet. “I must be on my way home and see to my personal Trevanyi. Glay gave them the freedom of Rabendary and they plundered in all directions.”
Lord Gensifer nodded sagely. “You can’t give a Trevanyi anything but what he’ll take double for contempt … Well, to revert to the three thousand ozols, what is your decision?”
“I’ll want to consider the matter very carefully indeed. As for that list of players how many have actually committed themselves?”
“Well — several ”
“I’ll talk to them all and learn if they’re really serious.”
Lord Gensifer frowned. “Hmm. Let’s think this over a