you look that list over and make calls to your friends, church members, you name it, and try to couple them with an inmate to write to. The rules regarding such correspondence are enclosed.”
She opened the folder and scanned the sheets, turning page by page.
“Do you have any questions for me, Ms. Armstrong?”
The woman kept her head down as she continued to read.
“When would you like this completed?” She slowly glanced in his direction.
“As soon as possible, but please do not inconvenience yourself along the way.”
“Understood. I will not keep this long and will most definitely encourage people to get involved. I work with special needs children, Dr. Owens, and on a daily basis I see what a kind word and just someone who cares can do for someone who has a series of roadblocks in their way. Sure, my students at the school are children, but when it comes to desiring love, understanding and acceptance, we are all the same. Age doesn’t matter. Some people aren’t necessarily having intellectual or educational development delays… They are having psychological and spiritual delays, perhaps due to trauma. Trust me,” she said with a sad smile. “I get it.”
“I could not have stated it better myself!”
“Mia rose to her feet, grabbed her folder off of his desk, and placed both of them under her armpit. “It was so nice to meet you, Dr. Owens.”
He stood as well and extended his hand. They shook on it, locking eyes.
“It was a true pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Armstrong.”
“Please call me Mia,” she stated as she turned her back and made her way towards the door.
“Will do, and thanks again for coming. Please enjoy the rest of your day.”
Looking over her shoulder, she nodded. “You do the same.” And then, she was gone.
He sat there for a good while, replaying her wisdom-laced words and still enjoying the lingering scent of her fragrant perfume. He coined himself a good judge of character, so he indulged in the notions that roamed his mind.
She seems like a very nice lady… quite attractive, sharp, and polite. I bet the inmates enjoy looking at her, if nothing else. Maybe I’m leaping, too much into the thoughts of others, but if I didn’t know any better, I think she were somehow attracted to this environment. Just something about her… as if a place void of goodness somehow balances her out… After all, aren’t we all looking for equilibrium?
He smirked to himself.
It’s a good thing they have that reading program…
He plucked his sandwich back up and gave it the once over, no longer certain of his desire to finish the damn thing. His stomach protested, grumbling beneath his hunter green, button down shirt, and letting him know that his deliberations to withdraw from the meal would not be tolerated. So, he took a reluctant bite, gulped, and disappeared in thought a tad longer. Soon, he grabbed the black phone receiver from his desk.
“Hello, Kathy. Please notify my 2:15 P.M. appointment that I am ready to see him now…”
“ A RE YOU FINISHED with your questionnaire?”
Aaron looked up at the man on the other end of the table and entertained joyous thoughts of snapping the bastard’s pencil thin neck.
“Yes.” He offered a warm, sugary smile and slid the acrylic clipboard across the way, keeping his eyes keenly upon him.
Dr. Owens stared back, seemingly trying to read him, to see something deep and dark and covered in the tar of a derelict that only his willful nature could create. The man behind the pretentious glasses was no mystery; he was the typical sort. An adult nerd… most likely picked on as a child.
He should have been killed a long time ago… The principles of natural selection failed.
The man smelled of homosexuality with his prim and proper ways, fruity classical music playing in the background, and dainty knickknacks fit for a grandmother’s dusty, old cupboard. The good doctor crossed his thin Daddy-Long-Leg limbs and began the