Code Name: Ghost (A Warrior's Challenge 1)
Shark’s zone.”
    “I agree, she’s exactly what he’s
    His frustration stalled. “You mean
brunette.” A thought stirred in the back of his mind, but he
disregarded it instantly.
    “That—yes, but her age and...” He cleared
his throat. “Ms. Banks is an intelligent woman. She’ll take
    “Hasn’t so far, sir, that’s why I’m
worried.” He watched the Commander, his expression unreadable.
    “She hasn’t mentioned anything to you, has
    “About what, sir?”
    The Commander gave a small shrug. “About her
life before coming here.”
    “Why, is there something wrong?”
    Folding his hands together and with a quick
narrowing of his eyes, he said, “She’s…” He cleared his throat
again, “different than the other women I’ve seen come in here. Her
work is exemplary.”
    “I’m not suggesting how to command, sir, but
maybe you should tell her that.”
    “Red will give her an evaluation like
everyone else, Mace.”
    Typical Commander Austen, he didn’t
compliment. You only knew when you screwed up, and in short order,
otherwise you could take it for granted you were doing a descent
job. He’d explained that to Kayla as well.
    “Getting back to the point of this
conversation, you don’t have to be concerned about her safety,” the
Commander said, gazing through the window in her direction.
    The Commander continually strategized. If
he’d been watching her already, then he probably had a plan to keep
her safe. He might not like her working in Base Command, but he
wasn’t a heartless bastard either. “Sir?”
    “Hmm, yes, Mace?” jerking his attention back
to him. “Right—you can stand down. Nothing is going to happen to
Snow White. I’ll have security escort her.”
    Why did he feel like he was trying to play
chess against the master? “I don’t mind escorting her.”
    “Not necessary,” the Commander said sharply
and rose from his desk.
    This made no sense at all. “Are you giving
me a direct order to stay away from her?” He shook his head. “I
don’t get it.”
    The Commander shot a warning look at him.
“Do I have to?”
    Mace chewed on his lip, and mustered a hefty
set of balls. “I don’t think you can, sir. What we do in private
isn’t the Navy’s business.” He was fuckin’ dead . “To be
honest, she’s beautiful and she’s nice. Can you blame me?”
    The Commander’s body stiffened and he took a
deep breath. Strolling around his desk, he sat down, and lowered a
look on him like a sailing ship lowers a boom. His lips twitched.
“I suppose not.”
    He took that as—what? He wasn’t sure.
    “Ms. Banks is a—charming woman.”
    A flicker in the Commander’s tightened jaw
signified he was still pissed. They both looked through the window
into the ops room as the rest of the team filtered out. “What
little I know of her, and she doesn’t share much, I really like—a
    “I can see that,” the Commander responded
with a disapproving tone.
    One of the guys knocked on the door,
probably Tony. He wanted to stop by Breakers tonight and throw back
a few.
    The Commander’s head bobbed. “Your wingman
needs you. I’d suggest you find some young thing at the bar to keep
you occupied.”
    How the fuck did he do that? It was like he
could read minds, and he did it all the time. “Yeah, team’s hitting
    “Do that.”
    “I’ll be back at eleven to pick up Kayla.”
He didn’t give a shit what the Commander wanted, although he
couldn’t figure out why he was so against them spending time
    “She’s my responsibility. You can focus on
other things. Now get the hell outta here, and stop panting at her
ankles. You haven’t got a hope in hell. You’re dismissed, Petty
Officer Callahan.”

Chapter Six
    “Ms. Banks, this is a fine neighborhood with
    “I don’t have children,” she said, crossing
her arms and getting the distinct feeling her choice of realtors
was a poor one.

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