Critical Pursuit
use-of-force incident. Hester Shockley accused them of being racist, and the pressure from the community left the pair no other option but to get out of police work.
    Maggie shrugged. “That’s the game Shockley plays. But the difference is the department deserted Pratt and Barker, left them out to dry. From what you told me, they’re supporting you.”
    “I guess.” Brinna sighed and sipped her coffee. “But even Sergeant Rodriguez said these things take on a life of their own. What might happen next week? I love my job.”
    Maggie waved a hand. “Don’t be a glass-is-half-empty person now. You’re a good cop. And there is a bright side. O’Reilly’s not hard to look at.”
    Brinna snorted and concentrated on the coffee. “I just want to do my job with a partner I can count on, not a boy toy.”
    “Boy toys can be fun. By the way, what’s going on with Marcus? You two still dating?”
    Brinna shook her head, making a circle with her thumband fingers. “Nada. He told me I’m too obsessed with missing kids and pedophiles.”
    Maggie threw back her head and laughed. “Much as I don’t care for Marcus, he hit that on the head.”
    Brinna frowned. “Come on,” she scoffed. “I am not obsessed.” She punctuated her last four words by tapping on the table with an index finger.
    “Of course not.” Maggie tossed her hair back. “You’re in serious denial. I don’t know any other cops with a whole wall in their home office plastered with creepy sex offenders.”
    “I need to know those guys so if I find them in violation, I arrest them on the spot. It is not an obsession. It is a mission.” She set her coffee cup down.
    “What’s the diff?” Maggie clicked her tongue and regarded Brinna with raised eyebrows.
    “An obsession sounds twisted.” Brinna leaned forward. “There is nothing twisted about wanting to keep kids safe.”
    “I don’t want you to stop helping kids. I just want you to see that this obses   —mission   —can’t consume your life. The last three guys you dated couldn’t handle taking second place to missing posters. Sometimes it seems like you hide behind those kids.”
    Brinna drained her coffee. “When I meet the right guy, my missings will not be an obsession to him. Let’s change the subject. I don’t want to talk about my love life.”
    “Or lack of one? All right, back to O’Reilly. What are you going to do if he’s 5150?”
    “Hotfoot it back to the station and drop him at the back steps.” They both laughed and hit their cups together in a toast.
    “Rick and I will be there to back you up if you need it,” Maggie promised.
    “Thanks. For the first time in my career I find myself wishing for a quiet couple of weeks. At least until Hester Shockley runs out of steam. Don’t want to get into anything big until I know I can trust my partner.”

    JACK GRABBED HIS GEAR and headed out of the house for a workout. It was after 10 p.m. but thanks to twenty-four-hour gyms, he had a place to go. This was the time the walls in the house really began to close in.
    The clock couldn’t strike ten without Jack feeling Vicki’s loss as if it were an abscess on his heart, aching and festering. Ten or ten thirty was the time they used to settle into bed, talk about the day, watch the news, or whatever. He hoped that returning to patrol would relieve some of the despondency he felt. At least he’d be out of the house most of the dark hours and not dwelling on how empty everything was without her.
    He found a parking place quickly. The gym was usually pretty empty at this time of night. After flashing his membership card at the receptionist, Jack changed in the locker room and hurried out to the free-weight floor.
    Happy to see he had the area to himself, Jack began with squats. He loaded up the bar and cinched his weight belt.Before he stepped under the bar for his first set, someone called his name.
    Turning, he saw Ben Carney walking toward him. Jack worked to keep his

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