Suddenly Famous
over.” The waitress winks at me before turning and leaving, making sure to put extra sway in her hips.
    How embarrassing, and right in front of Leah. Some women really have no shame.
    Leah watches her leave then turns to look at us. “Well, that was a nice show.”
    Syd and Adam choke with laughter. I should have known Leah would take it in style. She’s so fucking unbelievable about everything else, why would a stranger flirting with me bother her?
    Sliding an arm under the table, I find her knee and slowly trace my fingers up the inside of her thigh. She tilts her head in my direction, her eyes darkening with desire, then her mouth curls up into an evil smirk.
    “Let’s dance, Sydney!” Leah calls out to her friend. They vanish onto the large main dance floor below. Where I can’t go. Where she knows I can’t go. Of course she doesn’t want to dance on the VIP floor where I can get to her.
    Fuck! My plan to tease Leah has backfired on me. I’m left with a cock so hard it could pound nails while she’s off to gyrate with a mob of strangers.
    Tonight is going to be long and painful, my dick can attest to that already.
    “I’m so tired, Leah. Can we go now?” Sydney is crashing hard. She looks utterly spent. After being molested by two assholes on the dance floor, then dropping them with a few well-placed knees, she’s ready to fall asleep.
    “Leah, let’s go. Sydney travelled all the way from Western Canada today. She’s got to be sleep walking by now.” Leah glances over at me and sees that I’m serious, then looks at her friend.
    “Okay, Syd. Adam? You ready to leave?”
    “Sure. I’m pretty knackered myself. Would your car drop me at my place after leaving the Warren?” he asks.
    “I don’t see why not. Leah, Syd, let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough fun for one night.” Leah puts her hand in mine and I help her out of the booth. We cross the VIP area to the private entrance where we make our way down the stairs.
    The bouncer at the door sees us coming and holds up a hand. “Wait. Is your car out there yet?” he asks.
    “It should be,” I tell him.
    “What’s it look like, mate. I’ll check for you.” The big man folds his arms across his massive chest, waiting for an answer.
    “Ummmm,” I can’t remember. How the fuck do I know what a rental car looks like? “Black?” I say stupidly.
    “It’s a grey sedan,” Sydney says. “Four door. Very dark windows.”
    The three of us stare at Sydney, who is practically asleep, yet still observant enough to remember the car that drove us a mere fifteen minutes from the hotel to the club.
    “I’ll be right back,” the bouncer says.
    He shoves open the door and, unfortunately, we can see why he didn’t want us leaving. There’s a huge crowd on the sidewalk in front of the club. It’s obviously not a line of people waiting to get in either. The telltale hysteria burns that theory pretty quickly.
    “Fuck. They know I’m here,” I mutter angrily. Stress starts to swamp my senses, taking over every single one. The tang of blood hits my tongue and only then do I realize I’ve bitten the inside of my cheek. A rush of red floods my vision and I stagger back from the fear it instills.
    “Ry, hey. Breathe baby. I’m right here.” Leah’s calming touch and soft-spoken words help to ground me back in reality.
    The red recedes and my breathing steadies. “Shit, Leah. How are we getting out of here?” I turn to Adam for advice. “Adam, you’ve been in these situations before, what do you think?”
    “Mate, I’ve been surrounded by fans, but they’ve never ripped my clothes off or scratched the shite out of my skin.” He rubs his chin thoughtfully, looking at the door as the bouncer comes back inside.
    “Your hire car’s out front,” he says. “Close as he can get. I overheard a girl say that Twitter posted your location here.” He looks at me directly, his dark eyes searching mine. I open my mouth to say something, but

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