attempt to smooth down my hair.
    Father sits at the massive circular table, his hands folded calmly before him. They itch to strangle me for my tardiness, I know.
    Dr. Jeremy Montgomery sits at the one end, looking even younger than I. Father informed me he was three years my senior, but his smooth, clean-shaven face reminds me of my pupils back home.
    Dr. Earnest sits at the table’s head. His watery eyes crinkle with delight when I enter. “Henry! Welcome. We are very excited to have you join the Mutter. Your father’s reputation precedes him—so I have no doubt we’ll see some wondrous things from you!”
    My smile feels like a cringe. “I shall certainly do my best, sir.”
    My eyes flick to father. I bristle at the grin playing at the twitching sides of his mouth.
    I slide in between father and Jeremy, while Earnest prattles on to a secretary about the excursion.
    Jeremy shoots his hand in mock-introduction, and I give him mine. He gives it a vigorous pump, as if we’ve never met.
    “Glad to have you, Henry.” He leans in, whispering conspiratorially, “I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have someone of my own species on board. It’s been a lonely three months.”
    “You’re new to the Mutter, as well then?”
    “Yes. I am a Philadelphia native, born and bred. I’ve heard rumors about you from the staff.”
    My eyebrows rise. “Such as?”
    “Your reputation with the ladies. I could use some help with one particularly recalcitrant female. Perhaps you might scribble some of that infamous poetry of yours—”
    The door opens and Jeremy breaks off and sits utterly still like a naughty schoolboy caught cheating.
    Stygian enters.
    The temperature in the room drops a degree and the hairs rise on the nape of my neck.
    He sits and all eyes around the table fly to his attention. Except father. His eyes tick up in polite regard, but quickly return to scanning the document before him.
    Stygian inhales, his barrel-chest protruding. “Gentlemen. I shall not waste your time with small talk; we all know the purpose of this council meeting. There has been a motion to add Arabella Holmes to the expedition team. We are gathered to present arguments both for and against this appointment.”
    Earnest clears his throat. “I will begin. I will admit, when Mr. Holmes wrote, requesting we appoint his daughter to the staff, I was more than a little reluctant. But knowing his reputation as I have the past twenty odd years—I knew he would never let his personal feelings override his judgment.”
    My eyes lock with father’s in silent agreement. Feelings? What feelings?
    Father looks away before a smile erupts.
    “I have not been disappointed. Her education is impeccable. She is competent in two languages, anatomy and basic physiology.”
    “Don’t forget fingerprinting, ballistics and is an expert chemist,” father says, adding an ingratiating smile.
    Stygian looks murderous; a vein throbs in his forehead, cutting a path across his pallid skin, reminding me of a blood-trail through snow.
    He stands, leaning forward, his long fingers splayed on the tabletop. “I have come to terms with Miss Holmes as a curator. My concern for the acquisition team is obvious. Arabella is female. Our archeological expeditions are often quite dangerous. I need every man to be able to pull his weight—not have to be coddling a woman.”
    “Sir, respectfully.” I sit up straight and wait till his black eyes challenge mine.
    “Arabella is like no woman I’ve ever met. I’ve known her all my life. I’ve seen her scale trees, swim more proficiently than I, and ride like a champion equestrian. She will not be a burden.”
    Stygian’s dark eyebrows bunch. His fingers twitch and I get the distinct impression they’re itching to throttle me.
    Capital. Put superior number two against me straight away. Well done.
    “Thank you for that glowing testament, Mr. Watson, but I have another concern. Whatever her mind, she is utterly…female.

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