Blissful volume 3 (New Adult Romance)

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Book: Blissful volume 3 (New Adult Romance) by Clarissa Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarissa Wild
pull it up. “Sweet dreams.” I kiss her on the forehead and leave the room.
    Amy’ s just coming upstairs holding a tea mug in her hand. Her eyes are red, but she still looks beautiful. She stops and glances at both doors, one leading to the guestroom and one leading to my room. Then she looks at me.
    “Uh …” I stammer.
    I swallow and step closer a bit. She’s leaning against the banister, sipping her tea, and I put my hands next to her. I’m drawn to her like never before. I want to hold her and tell her it’s okay. Drawing closer, I smile and say, “Sleep in my bed tonight.”
    She bites her lip like she always does, making me focus on it. They’re raw and rosy, and t hey make me wanna suck on them.
    Goddammit , after today I want her even more than usual. It’s like this primitive urge to protect her as awakened inside me. I can’t stop thinking about nailing her between my arms and warding her off from all shit that comes our way.
    “Okay,” she whispers, and she walks past me as if she doesn’t even notice that I’m standing here with my arms wide open, ready to receive her.
    We go into the room and she starts undressing. Peeling off her clothes one by one, she just stands there in the middle of my room. I’m flabbergasted by the sheer moment of seeing her strip in front of me. It’s so fucking bad, but I can’t think of anything else than her beautiful body and that I want to touch her. My cock stirs from the sight of her being naked.
    She steps into the bed, and I take off my pants too. I make no effort to hide my erection, because I want her to know what she does to me. I want her to feel that I want her and that I’m never going to betray her like Ronnie did.
    But I don’t want to force myself on her.
    I crawl under the sheets and pull them up, draping my arm over her warm waist. She turns her back to me and cuddles closer. Her plump ass is pressing against my hard-on and it’s swelling even more. I can’t stop thinking about nudging her legs open and start making love to her again, but I won’t. It’s pathetic, and I won’t give in to this lust when she is so shaken by what happened today. I don’t want to break this fragile bond between us.
    I sigh, letting out all the anxiety I’ve been feeling over wanting to kick Ronnie’s ass and making love to Amy.
    “ You seem tenser than usual,” Amy says.
    “So do you.”
    “Maybe I am,” she says.
    “What are you thinking about?”
    She takes in a deep breath. “I don’t know … Seeing Ronnie makes all the memories flush back into my head, and now I’m confused.”
    “Oh …”
    Oh? Is that all I’m going to say? Jack McCallister; struck in awe because of what a girl says. Now that’s a shocker. But I have no clue what else to say. My mind is driving me crazy right now.
    What’s she saying?
    Does she miss him or something?
    Shit, she can’t be.
    I bury my face in her hair and smell her flowery scent. It makes me feel a little better, but it’s like a drug; it wears out fast. I’m only trying to ignore the fact that questions are burning, and I don’t want to ask them. I don’t want to know the answer. I don’t want to know if she’s going to leave me.
    Could she ?
    Just the thought of it makes me clasp her tight. Her smell is intoxicating and her perky flesh is so smooth and soft, it makes me realize I covet her. I don’t feel guilty anymore. I like her and that’s a fact. I don’t want to let her go. Not here. Not now. Not ever.
    But do I even have a choice?
    I know she’s been missing her music life so much, and it’s all she talks about lately. It’s her world and all she loves, and I shouldn’t stand in her way. I know she wants it so badly, and I want to see her happy, too.
    But maybe Ronnie gets to her first, and he might take her away from me. She’s loved him before, she could do it again. Just the thought of seeing them together makes me want to puke.
    Whatever. I don’t want her to leave.
    Goddammit ,

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