Hook, Line, and Mated
Annabelle included, if we socialized.” Jason shrugged. “I know you keep to yourself, but the invite is open if you want to come.” The silence stretched between them. “No pressure, just extending the offer. It’s tomorrow night if you’re up for it. Your mate might like meeting with others.”
    Easton nodded. “Thanks. I’ll ask her if she’d like to go. Just text me the details.”
    Jason nodded and got into his truck to leave. Easton stood there, thinking about taking his mate out, letting her meet others, get used to the idea of being with him. He’d need to get used to being around others, as well, although being with her was so fucking easy and felt so right.
    He honestly didn’t know what was going to happen between him and Jessie, didn’t know if she’d want to stay in Sweet Water or if she’d want to leave because it was too painful to stay here. What he did know without a doubt was if she wanted to leave he’d follow.
    He wasn’t about to let her walk away from him. He could handle the business from afar, although he wouldn’t be as hands-on. Jessie was what was important to him, the most important thing and person in his life now. If she said jump, he’d say how fucking high. Maybe it was being pussy-whipped, maybe he was weak, but when it came to his mate his world revolved around her.
    He may be considered “weak” when it came to his female, but that didn’t mean he was about to be that way with anyone else. He still kept to himself, still would break bones and kill anyone that thought to hurt what was his. Those primal, dangerous emotions were even more prominent inside of him, even more intense and real. He was not a male to be fucked with, and his female was the one thing he’d protect with his life.
    The sound of a car approaching had him looking to the side and seeing Jessie pulling into the parking lot. His heart started beating harder, his moose rising instantly. His cock punched out, as it did whenever he even thought about her. She pulled the car to a stop, cut the engine, and he was already making his way toward her before she even got out of the car. He knew she’d been signing paperwork today, and the look on her face, the raw intensity of it, cut him deep.
    Without saying anything, he pulled her into the hardness of his body, loving that she melted right into him, and just held her. They didn’t need sex to make this kind of connection, didn’t need to have anything sexual. This was about Easton comforting his mate, and that was his priority.
    “This is what I needed, Easton,” she said softly against his chest.
    He held her tighter. There were no words that needed to be spoken, because this moment right here had the world changing courses, and he knew that even if he never had this female in the most basic of ways, even if she never loved him, never accepted this mating, he’d always be here for her.

Chapter Eleven
    “It’s almost time to go,” Easton said softly by her ear.
    Jessie was sitting on the couch, nearly her whole body lying on his, as the muted TV showed a black and white movie. They’d been like this for the last hour, and she was content to stay like this, although they did have plans tonight. “Maybe we should stay in,” she said just as softly, but was teasing. She did want to go meet with other mates, did want to get more connected with the residents of Sweet Water.
    “Whatever you want to do, baby. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like sitting here with you draped over me.”
    She smiled, hearing the happiness in his voice. Jessie loved the little endearments he used, and although they’d been holding each other, kissing, touching, they hadn’t been sexual. She was ready, though, even wanted tonight to be the first time he claimed her. Although she hadn’t said anything to him, because planning it was a little odd in itself, she’d waited long enough. Easton had been more than patient with her, allowing her to deal with her

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