Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
about things like fashion protocol.”
    “Have you been in touch with her?” Joel sat back and eyed her.
    “We Skype every so often. I’m crazy about her boys, who are growing like weeds.” She expected Joel to smile at that. Instead, he squinted, his brow deeply furrowed.
    “You know she blocked our every effort to purchase Cady’s Point for Manda’s holistic wellness center?”
    “Seriously? That’s unfortunate.”
    “I suppose there are other properties, but Manda really believes that’s the right place to build, since it was used as a sacred healing ground by the Native Americans.”
    Gwen took a swallow of sparkling water. “I hope Manda won’t give up on her idea.”
    Joel shrugged. “Remains to be seen. She’s working hard on her business plan, hoping for a miracle. And Lorraine will find a duke one of these days,” Joel predicted, his tone heavy with sarcasm. Lorraine had been his fiancée until he’d dumped her a few years earlier.
    “And in her absence, thanks for the fashion lesson,” Gwen said lightly.
    “ Faux pas aside, you are stunning tonight. Peter looks at you like you’re edible.”
    “That’s the most delicious compliment I’ve had in a decade.” Gwen’s eyes sparkled.
    Joel’s gaze focused on the outgoing chief. “I remember when Chief Barker arrested me after my car slammed into a bowling alley. He knew that, even though I was only fourteen, I was hell-bent on self-destruction. He and my uncle Justin worked their butts off to get me into treatment for substance abuse and into psychotherapy. I hated them for it, but I wouldn’t be alive today if they hadn’t taken the stand they did. Getting away from Tompkins Falls for prep school, college, and grad school helped me make a new life for myself.”
    “It must have been hard to come back here, reconnect with people who knew you at your worst. Yet you established a successful business and made a new reputation as a community leader.”
    Joel acknowledged the praise with a brief nod, but his face was grim. “I don’t like the sound of Peter’s response to his sister’s alcohol abuse.”
    Gwen recognized a trademark Joel Cushman maneuver, to introduce a difficult subject, like alcoholism, in a personal way, and then slam home an irrefutable, uncomfortable point.
    “I agree. This is the first I’ve heard about his father. There’s a lot of bitterness and denial when he tells it, isn’t there?”
    “Does he know you’re in recovery?” Joel asked.
    “Well, of course, he does,” Gwen said, flustered. “He knows all about my practice.”
    Joel’s eyes were slits.
    The swing tune ended, and Gwen’s attention went to the dance floor. Sam and Peter traded partners just as an old-fashioned jitterbug started up. Since neither couple knew the moves, they stood back with the others to cheer on the masters.
    Chief Barker and one of the visiting chiefs rocked the crowd as they twisted with the beat and twirled their long-time dance partners. The number blared to a finish, followed by whistles and deafening applause.
    The elder chief yelled to the bandleader, “How about a couple of slow ones now?” He patted his heart and laughed along with his wife. “We’re not getting any younger, you know.”
    His wife swatted his arm and planted a kiss on his cheek.
    The band obliged with the opening bars of “Getting Sentimental Over You.”
    Sam and Sara moved into each other’s arms.
    Peter and Manda trailed back to the table. Manda stopped at Joel’s side, then bent down for a kiss and a whispered exchange.
    Peter stood behind Gwen and massaged her shoulders. She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes.
    Manda’s voice roused her. “Time for us to say goodnight.”
    Joel leaned heavily on his ebony-headed cane. “Grand meeting you, Peter.”
    “Same.” Peter shook his outstretched hand and waved to Manda. “Fantastic party for a legendary chief.”
    Joel beamed.
    Gwen stood to kiss their hosts.
    When they were alone, Peter

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