Cowboy Truth: Cowboy Justice Association #3
moved into his arms as the band started playing a slow song. This time she held herself rigid, not allowing their bodies to sink together.
    Logan Wright was a player, and she wasn’t the type to enjoy being played.
    She really was what he called her. A good girl.
    The best thing she could do is get through this evening and forget all about how good it felt to be held in his arms. And it did feel good. Too good. Mostly, it felt dangerous.
    Well, shit. She so did not need this.
    As the song ended they broke apart. Logan tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, leaving a streak of heat on her cheek.
    “Are you okay? You seem tense all of a sudden.” He’d leaned forward, his voice low. His expression was concerned.
    She nodded, not sure what to say. “I’m fine. I just don’t like that song,” she lied.
    “We’ll go back to the table.” He placed his large hand under her elbow and they went back to his friends who were laughing and smiling. Ava hesitated when Logan pulled out her chair.
    “I think I’ll visit the ladies’ room if you don’t mind. I’ll be right back.”
    Diane hopped up from her seat. “I’ll go with you. It’s in the back of the bar.”
    Ava followed Diane to the restroom, the raucous crowd loud around them. By the time Ava was freshening her lipstick, Diane was eyeing her curiously.
    “How long have you known Logan?” she asked.
    “He and I were paired up at my sister’s wedding on Saturday.” Ava answered the question by not really answering it.
    Diane pulled a gold tube from her purse. “I heard about what happened. So tragic. Is Mary doing okay?”
    Ava tried to bring order to her shoulder length curls. “She and Lyle are doing fine. Heartbroken of course. Were you at the funeral? I didn’t see you.”
    “I wanted to be there but I had some business out of town. A training class. I work as an auditor for the local bank now.” Diane drew the red lipstick around her mouth. “Listen, don’t worry about Christina, okay? She and Logan used to date. She didn’t take the ending very well. Karen gave her a stern talking to while you and Logan were dancing. She needs to move on. Logan’s been patient with her, I’ll say that. Any other guy would have told her off in a nasty way by now.”
    “Logan’s not the type to do that.” Even as the words came out of her mouth, Ava knew they were true.
    Diane dropped her lipstick into her purse and smiled. “He’s the type to make a woman happy is what he is. Very happy.”
    Shock ran through Ava. “You’ve dated Logan? I didn’t realize.”
    Diane laughed. “I wish. Although in a small town like Corville, if we both stayed single long enough, I’d eventually get up to bat. Damn that man is fine. A friend of mine dated him and said she’d never had so many orgasms in her life. I should be so lucky. Is it true? Is he that good?”
    Diane looked like she was holding her breath as she waited for an answer. Ava felt her cheeks get warm. “I have no idea,” she drawled. “It’s not like that with us.”
    Diane’s eyebrows shot up. “I see. Well, if that’s how you want it…”
    “It is,” Ava said firmly. “I’m not falling into bed with him. No way. No how.”
    But those orgasms did sound tempting.

Chapter Seven

    L ogan let his gaze rest on Ava as she sat at the table chatting with Diane. He hadn’t really noticed it before but she was an attractive woman. Very attractive. Her golden brown hair fell in natural waves almost to her shoulders framing a heart-shaped face. Her skin was flawless and his fingers itched to stroke her cheek to feel if it was as soft as it looked. Her figure was curvy and generous, just the way he liked it. She had a body a man could hold in his hands. But what he liked the most was the dimples that appeared in her cheeks when she smiled.
    And she smiled a lot.
    Other than a strange moment on the dance floor, which she’d blamed on a crappy song, Ava had been great company all evening. She was

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