I'm All Yours
her butt as he reached for the condom and sheathed himself.
    “Hurry, my little butt’s getting cold.”
    Kyle slid into her, filling her, satisfying her as she spread her legs. He held her hips as his thighs smashed into the back of her legs , and they rode together, him squeezing her, her gripping the sheets on her bed.
    Two weeks without sex with Kyle was going to be hell , but when she got to Montana they’d make up for it . T he re ’d be fireworks.
    Kyle reached around her body and massaged her clit , and that’s all it took for her to see those fireworks before they got to Big Sky Co untry. She shook, cried , and then felt Kyle explode inside her.
    He licked the back of her neck as they fell face - down on the bed together.
    “Oh baby, I’m so glad I found you.”

Chapter Eleven
    Evie tapped her pencil on her desk. She was a whiz reporter , had gotten straight As in all her jour nalism classes at university , but she’d been stumped when she’d attempted to locate Kyle’s mother. It was almost as if the lady didn’t even exist. She guessed she should have just asked him for the number , but then he might have suspected she was going to spring a surprise on him ; and that would spoil everything.
      With Kyle’s birthday fast approaching she’d gotten desperate to locat e her in time to buy an extra plane ticket to Montana . She’d also been swamped with work , so as a last minute effort, she’d phone d a former school buddy , Dan, who was now a private investigator. However, when he’d telephoned with the information he’d stumbled upon , Evie knew something wasn’t right.
    “I think you must have the wrong Lesley Daley,” said Evie, dra wing a circle around the name on her notepad.
    “ Evie, I went and checked her out myself. She’s the mother of Kyle Daley and is an inmate at the women’s correctional facility outside of Colorado Springs ,” said Dan.
    “I can’t believe it. Do you know what she’s serving time for?”
    Evie went hot and cold , and her heart beat double time. Not that this made any difference to how she felt about Kyle , but it had taken her by surprise. And now it all made perfect sense. Him being evasive when she asked about him growing up, his family , stopping in mid-sentence when he spoke about his mother.
    “Any more details?” asked Evie.
    “She was being abused by her husband , and one day I assume she’d just had enough and shot him,” said Dan.
    Evie pushed her glasses up on top of her head and rubbed her eyes.
    “Poor woman. Okay, Dan, thank you , and send me the bill.”
    “It’s on the house, Evie.”
    “If yo u say so. And , Dan, not a word about this to anyone okay?”
    “You know what a professional I am.”
    Evie knew she shouldn’t have snooped. She should have waited until Kyle chose to tell her about his mother.
    * ***
    Kyle was beat after the fourteen hour day filming. He saw the red light f lashing on the phone and considered ignoring it but thought maybe it was Evie , and he didn’t want to miss hearing her voice.
    He pressed the pl ay button and heard Bob’s voice instead.
    “Kyle, give me a call as soon as you get this because it’s about your mother.”
    Kyle stopped in his tracks. His moth er . W as something wrong with her? He suddenly had a terrible image of some inmate beating her u p or worse .
    He grabbed the phone and punched the numbers for Bob’s cell phone.
    “Kyle,” he said when he answered.
    “My mother, is she okay?”
    “She’s fine , but I thought you should know a PI was snooping around asking about her.”
    “You think it’s one of the tabloids?”
    Bob didn’t answer.
    “Just spit it out,” said Kyle.
    “You ’re not going to like this , but I did some investigating of my own . T he person who hired the PI was…”
    “Was who?”
    “Evie Winters. I’m betting she got close to you to find out about your mother. Makes sense doesn’t it ? U ltimate revenge for you

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