Magnolia Blossoms
    “This scare you?” she asks, removing her hand from the stun gun to snuff her cigarette out against the sole of her stiletto heel. She tosses the butt into an old coffee can near her chair.
    “Yes. I can’t say that I remember very much about what happened.”
    “Give it about ten minutes. It’ll start coming back to you. Your brain waves are all jumbled up. It’s normal. What’s your name?”
“Magnolia Berrybush.”
    “Shit. That jolt must’ve scrambled you up real bad for you to be spitting out nonsense like that.”
    “No, that’s my name. I’m sure of it,” I say, looking toward the floor.
    “Berrybush. I’ve heard that name before. Where?” She looks in deep thought for about twenty seconds. “I’ll get you your money faster than green grass through a goose! His name is Berrybush. Murray! Yeah, Murray Berrybush, the fat attorney who dresses like Colonel Sanders. I love his commercials. Awww, fuck me,” she groans. “I just stunned the relative of one of them dirty trial lawyers. I’m so screwed. I ain’t got a pot to piss in, lady. Have mercy, please. See? Look around. Nothing. But if you see something you like, maybe we can work out a deal?”
    “I don’t want your things.”
    She sucks on her teeth. “Oh, so it’s gonna be like that? Planning on making a fool outta me in court? Fine. Do what you gotta do, but I can promise you this…”
    I hold up my hand to stop her. “Wait. I’m not taking you to court. I’m not suing, and I’m not telling my father about this, so relax.”
    “Your father? Oh great. No, oh wait! What’s the daughter of the most well-known attorney in South Louisiana doing in my neighborhood? You have to be up to no good, especially with the get up you got going. I’m sorry, honey, but you need to fire your beautician.”
    I reach up and notice that the bandana/ball cap combo is gone from my head. Instead, I feel a stretch of stubble on the top and the ring of dishevelment around the sides.
    “I did it to myself,” I say softly.
    “It was an accident.”
    “Why don’t you just shave the rest to match the top, that way it’ll all grow back at one time?”
    I’m embarrassed to tell her that I hadn’t thought of that, so I sort of shrug my shoulders in response. She rises from her chair and takes a seat on the cushion beside me. I’m able to see that she’s not nearly as old as I first thought. In fact, it’s her hairstyle and makeup that make her appear aged beyond her years.
    “So, how much you gonna give me to keep my mouth shut?” she asks with a smirk.
    “What?” Nerves start to get the best of me, and I start to giggle.
    “Hush money. I’m sure your father wouldn’t appreciate it getting out that his daughter frequents this neighborhood. Might hurt his career,” she says with a devious grin.
    The nervous giggles turn to full on tears. “No, please, no. My parents don’t have much to do with me as it is. If I get caught doing something that will put him in an unfavorable light, he’ll have no problem alienating me. I have nothing. No friends, no boyfriend, no job… I lost that a couple of weeks ago and still haven’t had the guts to tell my parents. They will toss me on the street without batting an eye, and they’ll call it a life lesson to boot. Please, please, please, don’t do this to me.” I lower my head to my lap and sob uncontrollably.
    “Stop that!” she fusses. “Stop it now. You sound like a dying goose. Shut up. The neighbors are gonna call the cops.”
    “Police! Eeeuhhh!” I wail. “Not the police!” I release a loud snort and sniff before I start sobbing again.
    “Shut it! Now!” she says, tugging on the collar of my turtleneck to pull me so she can look me in the face. “Shhhh!”
    Swallowing hard, I nod my head and wipe the tears from my face. “You’re not going to tell?”
    “You sure are a pathetic one, aren’t you?” The woman kicks off her stilettos and tucks her feet underneath

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