Asking for Trouble
body at the foot of the bed.
    He maintained intense eye contact with her as he quickly stripped out of his suit. When Hayden started to roll the tights down her leg, he stopped her with a harsh sound. “Don’t you dare take them off.” His pants and belt hit the floor. “You never want to discuss what happens here tonight? Fine. But I’m going to remember what it’s like to be between all that silk. There’s nothing you can do to make me forget.” He came toward her slowly, stalking her. “I’m going to think about it. Often. While you’re lying here at night in your big, comfortable bed, I’ll be remembering. Over and over.”
    Hayden refused to back up even a step as he reached her, his expression fierce. “I can’t control what you choose to think about,” she responded with more bravery than she felt.
    Perusing her body, he shook his head. “No. You sure as hell can’t.” His big hands settled on her hips, flexed. “You’ve got control right now, though. Take it. Before I take it from you.”
    Inside her, apprehension mixed with excitement, so heady her hands shook. This is what you wanted , Hayden reminded herself. She’d been struggling to find the missing piece for so long. This could be it. He’d put her in charge. Why was she hesitating? Part of her nerves sprang from the unknown. How deep did the need run? Why had it taken an enemy’s touch to make her realize it?
    “Hayden…” he rasped, fingers digging into her flesh.
    Now or never. Hayden brought her hands to his shoulders and pushed him with all her might onto the bed. He landed on his back, head coming up immediately to watch her next move. She moved over him on hands and knees, reveling in the way his chest rose and fell rapidly, his erection lying thick and ready on his ridged belly. She took a moment to appreciate the sheer maleness of him. His size, the texture of his skin, his muscular build. Once more, her eyes were drawn to the hard length demanding her attention. After the briefest hesitation, she skimmed her fingers down his belly and wrapped him in her fist. His hands dug into the comforter as his hips bucked.
    “Put it in your mouth. Now , baby.” He spoke through clenched teeth. “I’ve been waiting for it since last night. Nothing I do makes it better. It needs to be your mouth.”
    Very slowly, she licked the tip, power curling in her belly when he hissed through his teeth. She did it again, this time letting her tongue linger until his hips lifted impatiently. Then she took all of him in her mouth, as deep as she could, sucking hard all the way back to the tip as Brent shouted obscenities at the ceiling. “Is that what you wanted?” she purred against the smooth skin.
    “ Fuck yes .” He twisted the comforter in his fists. “ More .”
    “More of this?” Watching him innocently, she ran her tongue around the head in circles. “Or this?” She closed her mouth around him and took him to the back of her throat, sucking once again until she reached the head. Then she flicked her tongue against him with tiny, teasing licks.
    He threaded his fingers roughly into her hair, bringing her head up to meet his tortured gaze. “I’ve tongued and fingered you, now it’s my turn. Give me what I need, baby. I’m dying.”
    “When I’m ready. Baby. ” Without thinking about her actions, simply obeying what felt right, she pinned his wrists against the bed and scraped her teeth over his belly, biting and licking the fevered skin as it shuddered under her mouth. When she took him back between her lips and finally gave him what he needed, she refused to stop stroking him with her mouth until his voice grew strangled from begging her to end the torture.
    Hayden reached into her bedside drawer and handed him a condom. As he rolled it down his length, she played with her nipples, tempting him to hurry. She straddled him, her knees pressing into the mattress on either side of his hips. He gripped himself in his big hand and

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