Take the Cake

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Book: Take the Cake by Sandra Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Wright
table look pretty,” and after some searching, he had produced a tablecloth and some candles. Soon they were sitting down to a meal of creamy, chicken and asparagus pasta with crusty garlic bread.
    Paul raised his wine glass. “To Jack and Gwen,” he said.
    Kate chinked her glass against his. “Amen.”
    “Amen,” he replied, and then got down to the business of the meal.
    A while later, Paul used the last of the garlic bread to clean up the sauce in his bowl, having already gone back for seconds. He leaned back in his chair and gave a sigh that was replete with satisfaction.
    “God, that was good.”
    Kate watched him with quiet amusement, tucking a foot up on her chair and twirling a strand of hair around one finger, her elbow resting on her knee.
    “Don’t you cook much at home?”
    “Standard bachelor fare,” he replied, finishing his mouthful and stacking the plates.
    “Meaning what, exactly?”
    “Meaning they know me by name at Subway. I cook, but nothing like this.” He waved his wine glass at the table. He patted his still-flat belly and gave her a hopeful look. “I don’t suppose …” He raised an eyebrow.
    Kate laughed. “They’re in a box near the sink.” She smiled as Paul picked up their dinner plates and went to investigate, enjoying their sibling shorthand. He returned with a cupcake and bit into it, making a happy humming noise to himself as he ate.
    “So,” Paul said finally, licking some frosting off his fingers, “it’s time for the annual question, you ready?”
    “As I’ll ever be,” she said in a resigned tone. “Bring it on.”
    Paul folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. “How’s the love life?”
    “How can I put this?” Kate pretended to think for a moment. “Let’s just say that if my love life was a person, it’d be lying in a hospital bed somewhere in a vegetative state with a nurse saying, ‘Switch it off.’”
    Paul laughed and shook his head.
    “And now it’s my turn,” Kate went on. “How about you?”
    “Well, let’s just say I don’t lack for companionship.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, making her groan. “But,” his expression sobered, “it’d be nice to have something more permanent.”
    The two of them sat in a contemplative silence for a while.
    “You know,” Paul ventured, “if Mom was still alive, she’d be match-making up a storm for the two of us.”
    “No doubt about it,” Kate agreed. “And Dad would be polishing his shotgun, wanting to know the intentions of any guy that turned up on the doorstep.”
    Paul grinned.
    “So is there anyone on the horizon for you?” Paul asked out of curiosity.
    “Not that I’m aware of, but Tom and Wren are usually better at spotting that kind of thing. How about you?”
    “Well, I’m looking, so I guess it’ll happen when it’s meant to.” Paul stared into his wine glass, and then took another sip. “We’ll get there, Kat.”
    “Yeah, but it’d be nice to know where there is. I’ve got friends. I’ve got a great little business that’s starting to turn a profit.” She sipped her wine and shrugged. “Maybe there are some of us that just aren’t destined to have it all.”
    “Maybe not,” Paul replied. “But that doesn’t mean you just have to roll over and accept it. Mr. Right isn’t just going to knock on your door, Kat. You’ve gotta get out there.”
    “I know,” Kate replied with a sad little smile. “Just do me a favor?”
    “Anything,” Paul agreed instantly.
    “If I don’t end up married and chasing the happily ever after, just promise me you won’t let me turn into the crazy old cat lady.”
    “Done. As long as you make sure I don’t end up the sad old bachelor drunk at the bar.”
    “Brother Bear,” Kate said, “you’ve got yourself a deal.”
    Paul pushed his chair back from the table and opened his arms. Kate got up and walked around to curl up on his lap, tucking her head under his chin.
    “I’ve missed you,” she

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