Thin Ice

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Book: Thin Ice by K. R. Bankston Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. R. Bankston
asked giving her a look once more.
    Jaleesa nodded that he had and Kaitlyn let it go. They chatted a little while longer, even watching a movie and laughing together before Kaitlyn told Jaleesa she was headed out.
    “Thanks for coming over KiKi,” Jaleesa told her hugging her friend tightly just as her cell rang.
    “Tristan?” Kaitlyn asked as Jaleesa chuckled and nodded yes.
    Kaitlyn waved and let herself out as Jaleesa began talking to her lover.

    Kaitlyn had been sitting outside in her car watching the building for the last few hours, waiting for traffic or people to come and go. It’d been a long week as she patiently waited for Evan to relax and think he was safe. Finally it was the weekend again, and the time was right for her visit. Kaitlyn didn’t want anyone to see her enter or exit. Most people were either already in for the night, or wouldn’t be in until later, she thought knowing the timeframe of the Atlanta nightlife crowd. Finally getting out, Kaitlyn carefully crossed the street and entered the building through the parking garage, being careful to stay close to the sides of the wall out of camera vision.
    She calmly summoned the elevator and headed up to his floor, checking her pocket once more, finding what she needed contained. Arriving, Kaitlyn stealthily made her way down the hallway to the penthouse where Evan lived. Quietly using the key she’d taken from Jaleesa and entering the unit, she allowed her eyes to acclimate to the darkness. There was nothing on, so the apartment was deathly still and silent. Kaitlyn took her shoes off, deciding to walk in her bare feet. She didn’t want any sound to give away her presence until she was ready to announce it. She took the gun from her pocket and headed down the hallway to bedroom.
    Kaitlyn thought about the gunshot, and if she would have enough time to get away. She knew on this floor there were only three units, including this one. The one couple Jaleesa told her was always out of town, and the other looked as if they were out tonight, since she’d seen no lights while she watched the building. Dismissing it, Kaitlyn continued making her way to the bedroom.
    Kaitlyn stood over him as he slept looking hatefully into his face. Taking a deep breath she flipped on the light as he sat bolt upright in bed.
    “Shit!” Evan said loudly, before seeing Kaitlyn and the gun in her hand.
    “Wassup dickhead,” she greeted him coldly as she took the safety off and placed the steel against the side of his head.
    Evan was completely stunned. What the hell was going on , he wondered as Kaitlyn continued to give him orders. He moved out into the living room into the chair she directed him to, finally getting the chance to talk her.
    “I know why you’re here,” Evan said calmly finally coherent, eyeing her, trying to figure out a way to disarm her.
    “I know your double dealing ass knows why I’m here,” Kaitlyn told him evenly. “I bet Tristan, Landon, and your team, don’t know you like dick just as much as you like pussy though, do they?” she finished giving him a distasteful look.
    “So that’s why you’re here?” he threw back angrily.
    Evan didn’t like questions about his sexuality. He didn’t feel that he had to justify his tastes to anyone, including this beautiful woman in front of him holding a gun.
    “No, I’m here to give a couple people in this city a little peace of mind,” she told him flatly, her meaning very evident.
    Evan began to be afraid for the first time this evening. “So you’re going to kill me?”
    Kaitlyn chuckled and abruptly stopped. “Hell yes, you’re an asshole and the world will be better off without you,” she told him without emotion.
    “Look, Kaitlyn, lets talk, I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement,” he began trying to bargain. Everyone had his or her price. Evan just had to find hers.
    “You don’t have anything I want,” Kaitlyn told him coldly as she continued to watch

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