The Lust Boat

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Book: The Lust Boat by Roz Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roz Lee
Tags: Erótica
women moved to center stage. One moved with her back to the first man in the totem pole and bent at the waist. He placed his hands on her hips and guided her backwards, until he buried his cock in her ass. The next woman climbed on her back, and so on, each man adjusting his height to link up with the woman’s ass, until they formed one unit, top to bottom. The audience applauded. The tower began to move in a slow, undulating rhythm, similiar to the wave in a stadium, but from top to bottom, over and over again as the men worked their cocks in and out of the women. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, the couple at the bottom began to turn in a slow circle while the column continued to fuck like a ribbon in the wind.
    “Now that’s impressive,” Ryan said.
    “It is indeed.”
    Candace and Ryan exited the theatre hand in hand, listening to the other audience members awed comments about the performance. The whole thing would have been impressive enough, but that they managed it all on a stage that swayed with the movement of the ship, made it even more so. Everyone agreed on that point.
    They had drinks in the Siren’s Lair, the aptly named Karaoke lounge. Ryan secured a table in the darkest corner, concealed by a curtain of gossamer silk. They could see the passengers trying their luck on the spotlighted stage, but the thin fabric provided privacy. When their drinks were delivered, Ryan pulled the curtain shut and snaked an arm around her waist. Candace slid across the black velvet seat until she sat hip to hip with Ryan.
    “I’ve wanted to hold you all evening.”
    “I like it. I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel safe when I’m with you. Maybe I’m being too naïve, but I believe I can trust you.”
    “You can. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
    Candace leaned in and placed her lips on his. It was all the invitation Ryan needed. He took control of the kiss, showing Candace everything he felt for her in that moment. The kiss was firm, but tender, and Candace parted her lips to let him in. His tongue swooped in, mating with hers in age-old rhythm. He held her face in his hands and plundered. He took, he gave, he showed her what was in his heart, and she responded, taking and giving in equal measure.
    “I want you Candace.”
    “I want you too, but I can’t, Ryan. Not yet, anyway.”
    “Who did this to you? Who sent you running to the Lothario ?”
    “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “I’ll find out sooner or later. I don’t know what the bastard did to you, but I want to make it go away. I want to replace those memories with new ones.”
    “I want that too. Soon, Ryan, but not tonight.”
    He released her and downed the rest of his drink. “Okay. That wasn’t ice water, but close enough.”
    “No, it wasn’t ice water. I haven’t thought about using our code word…well, maybe once this afternoon when Thor had his hands…well, you know. But you touched me, and it went right out of my head.”
    Ryan looked at her. His eyes were warm pools of deep water. “I don’t want to think about that. I wanted to murder Eric, that’s Thor’s real name, for touching you. The smarmy bastard was having too much fun at my expense. If there’s any more touching to be done on this cruise, it’s going to be me, and only me, doing it. I don’t think I can stand to see anyone else’s hands on you ever again.”
    “I can live with that. Eric, huh?”
    “Eric from Indianapolis.”
    Candace laughed. “For real? Indianapolis?”
    “Yep. I think he has Norse ancestors or something, but he does have a degree in Physical Therapy from a reputable University.”
    “Well, that’s good to know.”
    They were on more even ground now, the earlier sexual tension gone. “I’ll walk you to your room so you can rest. Tomorrow is another fun filled day at sea, with lots of activities to choose from.” At her door, Ryan named a time to meet for breakfast and kissed her goodnight. He’d curbed his

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