Marriage at a Distance

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Book: Marriage at a Distance by Sara Craven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Craven
    But he smiled at her, unfazed. ‘Over the coffee and Armagnac, actually. But it’s entirely up to you. It’s going to be your property, after all. Think it over, and tell her your decision.’
    Then he was gone. And a moment later she heard her bedroom door close.
    She sat up gingerly, feeling slightly giddy. As she glanced down she realised with annoyance that her nipples had tautened to hard, rosy peaks in the cooling water, and hoped very much that they weren’t one of the perspectives Gabriel had referred to.
    She climbed out, reaching for the robe and huddling it on with a shiver, thankful that it wasn’t Gabriel’s hands arranging the folds of fabric around her.
    As it might have been. And the shock of that realisation made her breathless. As, indeed, had her body’s helpless reaction to the brief touch of his hand on her shoulder.
    If this unwanted confrontation had taught her anything, it was that she was by no means impervious to Gabriel, and she needed to be.
    She would have to armour herself somehow, she thought grimly. And his absence over the next few days would give her the opportunity to do so.
    Nor would she again allow herself to be this physically vulnerable. She would call a locksmith immediately, and have her bedroom door made secure.
    But how to keep the thought of him out of her heart—and the remembrance of him out of her bloodstream—was another matter entirely.
    She would give Sadie a hand in the stables, Joanna decided as she dressed in breeches, boots and a heavy sweater, and then she’d help her exercise her charges. Some strenuous hard work was what she needed to take her mind off her personal problems. Besides, the horses hadn’t had much attention in the past few days, and would probably be kicking down the doors of their boxes.
    She wondered what Gabriel would do with Nutkin, the gelding Lionel had been riding when he died. He was a strong, powerful beast, and Joanna wasn’t altogether sure she could handle him, or if she even ought to try.
    She sighed silently as she descended the stairs. This was just one of the matters needed a decision from Gabriel. She would have to make a list.
    As she reached the foot of the stairs she encountered Cynthia, just emerging from the dining room. Joanna, aware that her stepmother rarely stirred out of her room until midday, gave her a surprised look.
    ‘Could I have a word?’ Cynthia’s expression was that of a cat who’d been awarded if not the cream, a very large saucer of milk.
    ‘Fine.’ Joanna paused. ‘Is there any coffee left?’
    ‘Plenty. Why?’
    Joanna shrugged. ‘We may as well make any discussion as civilised as possible,’ she countered, walking into the dining room and filling a cup from the heavy silver pot.
    ‘Darling.’ Cynthia draped herself decoratively on one of the high-backed dining chairs. ‘I’m perfectly prepared to be as civilised as you could wish.’
    Provided you do as I want, Joanna supplied silently.
    She took the chair opposite. ‘I suppose this concerns Larkspur Cottage.’
    ‘It does indeed.’ Her stepmother assumed a vaguely injured expression. ‘I can’t imagine what Lionel was thinking of to leave the place to you. I thought that he and I were in complete agreement about it.’
    Joanna bit her lip. ‘I don’t think Lionel was considering anyone’s personal wishes when he drew up his will.’
    ‘No.’ Cynthia’s eyes sparked with sudden malice. ‘Or he wouldn’t have put in that absurd clause about Gabriel having to stay married to you for another year. The poor sweet looked positively murderous when it was read out.’
    ‘Indeed,’ Joanna said politely. ‘Then what a pity I only fainted instead of actually dropping dead from shock. Think of the trouble it would have saved.’
    Cynthia’s crimson lips tightened. ‘What nonsense you talk sometimes.’
    ‘Well, you won’t have to put up with it much longer,’ Joanna said cheerfully. ‘Not if you move to Larkspur

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