Witches of Three_Seraphina
who was following her, had an excellent view of her undulating hips. As they were seated, she noted that his face was flushed and his eyes gleamed with a hard, bright light that sent her temperature up a whole bunch of notches. She made her smile lazy and sensuous and raked one fingertip across the top of her sequined bodice, just in case he hadn’t noticed her décolletage. His expression showed he had.
    “You’re a tease,” he growled, leaning closer to her.
    “ Moi ?” she asked, raising one eyebrow.
    “Behave,” he admonished. “So I can get through this damned dinner.”
    “But you wanted to go out,” she said innocently. “You were tired of staying at home with me. Maybe you were even growing tired of me?” She ended her words on a throaty note and saw the surprise in his eyes.
    “Are you kidding?” he asked, obviously shocked by her suggestion.
    Sera’s ego soared. She liked this game between men and women. She wasn’t as inept as she’d thought herself to be. She placed her hand over his and let her fingers caress his palm. He drew in his breath and clasped her hand in his. He looked around like a man looking for an escape route, but the waiter appeared out of nowhere to deposit menus and take their drink orders. They were committed.
    When they were alone again, Jack took her hand once more and leaned closer. “I love that perfume,” he muttered. “It gets all tangled up in a man’s senses.”
    She smiled, mysteriously she hoped.
    “You look gorgeous.”
    His hand brushed across the top of her shoulders, sending delicious shivers down her body. She wasn’t sure what she drank or ate or even if she did. Every thought and response was pinned on Jack, and he seemed to be the same way toward her. They could have saved the cost of an expensive meal and stayed home. Then the band began to play, and suddenly she wanted to dance. Jack seemed to read her mind because he pulled her to her feet and led her to the floor.
    The music had a slight Latino beat, and they swayed to its gentle rhythm until the tempo changed and took on a bold sound that demanded they follow. Sera lost herself in the dance, twirling and wriggling her hips, while the short skirt flared around her. She couldn’t walk in those damn high heels, but she could certainly dance in them. Jack guided her around the floor, and she followed, her arms raised gracefully above her head, her feet flashing, legs pumping and her torso twisting to the beat. Jack kept up with her, supporting her dance steps, whirling with her, catching her when she needed him. They danced as one, and when the music stopped, they stood in the middle of the floor, bodies taut and arched like two bullfighters facing off.
    Jack’s eyes glinted with a special light that sent her blood boiling through her veins. All around them, people clapped, making Sera aware of their audience. She stepped back, swishing her skirt dramatically as she circled Jack. He faced away from her, watching her out of the corners of his eyes. Grabbing her hand, he swung her around and pulled her tightly against him then walked from the floor. Her slick high heels glided along the floor. At the table, he released her and held her hand elegantly while she sank into a chair. The air around them was electric, and she shivered. Jack’s gaze held hers, and she wanted nothing more than to be at home in her bed, with Jack beside her and in her. She could tell by his expression that was what he wanted too. She was going to suggest they leave when two familiar voices hailed her.
    “Sera, baby, we didn’t know you were here,” Phil called, rushing up.
    “Wow, how did you learn to dance like that?” Charlie demanded right behind. They might have been speaking to their youngest sister, but their gazes were pinned on Jack.
    “Hello, I’m Charlie, Sera’s sister and you’re—I don’t believe I caught your name.” Charlie held out her hand so no one could ever ignore her.
    “Jack Trent,” he said

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