And All Between

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Book: And All Between by Zilpha Keatley Snyder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
most of them had long been familiar with the claims of the Hax-dok and with the elaborate rituals and sacrificial offerings with which the group had been trying for generations to reverse the enchantment of the Root and cause it to return to its natural state. The Erdlings listened because they had no choice, and while they listened many of them believed, however briefly, in the magical promises of the Hax-dok. But as soon as Bruha relinquished the speakers’ platform and the sharp thin flame of her presence was no longer before them, they returned their minds to other things.
    It was not until then that Kir Oblan, as the presiding Councilor, was able to hear the suggestions of the leaders of the search and to begin the discussion of what should be done in the matter of the lost child. After hearing reports of carefully conducted explorations, which had covered all the known and charted areas around Erda, and had even in many cases, extended far out into the unknown regions, the Council came to the sad decision that the search should be abandoned. The parents of the child, Teera, would, of course, be excused from their duties at their places of service for as long as they wished, and were free to continue to search alone for however long they felt they must. But all other searchers would be expected to return to their usual employment.
    The business of the Council was completed, and the assembly was dismissed; but before they could depart, an old man dressed in a flowing robe of unadorned lapan skin arose from his place in the crowd and began to speak.
    “It is Vatar, the old man of the Gystig,” people whispered, and those who had started to leave returned to their places.
    “My beloved Erdlings,” the old man was saying in a voice that, although quavering with age, was yet rich and full. “On this sad occasion, may we take but one moment to offer our loving sympathy to the bereaved parents of the lost child—”
    “Yes, yes,” the murmur of approval spread through the crowd and many turned toward the platform where Herd and Kanna still stood, their faces wet with tears.
    “—and at the same time to make humble supplication to the all-knowing Spirit for forgiveness of our sins, and to grant us the grace to accept our fate in the certain knowledge that true freedom lies only in the Spirit, and that—”
    But now as the quavering voice continued, there were many who ceased to listen. Some continued to focus their minds and Spirits on the Elds, sending them their pity and sympathy, but others turned away, frowning, and began to move away from their places toward the exits. But even those who walked away maintained, for the most part, a respectful silence, so that the old man, Vatar, was not interrupted. With closed eyes, his face and hands uplifted, he continued to speak while the vast cavern emptied, until at last only a scattered few remained. Those few continued to stand with bowed heads until Vatar ceased to speak and then, crowding around him for his blessing, they followed him from the cavern.
    In the days that followed, Kanna and Herd continued to search the far regions, carrying on their backs heavy packs containing nid-furs, and food and lantern fuel, so that it would not be necessary for them to return to Erda often for food and rest. Marking their path carefully, they ranged far out into the unknown areas until, at last, Kanna sickened and they were forced to return.
    Then with Kanna safe in the care of the clan, Herd returned to the search and tramped all alone, farther and farther into the unknown regions.

    P ERHAPS IT WAS PARTLY the new shuba, a beautiful garment of shimmering blending pinks and golds, along with the excitement of seeing Raamo again, that gave Pomma such an extraordinary feeling of delighted anticipation. Seated in the large, luxuriously furnished common room of her family’s nid-place, along with her parents, Valdo and Hearba D’ok, and her new friend and sister,

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