Not Quite Terran Part 4 (Scifi Alien Romance)

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Book: Not Quite Terran Part 4 (Scifi Alien Romance) by Erin Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Tate
Tags: scifi romance
the dishonorable males will attempt to trick you and distract you, but you must not let your head be turned by their verbal promises and requests. I have here a full disclosure of our demands and our concessions. You must only work off this approved data pad. You are adequately prepared to operate this without instruction and monitoring, correct?”
    If she wasn’t forced to have Takkol at her side, she would kick him where it counted and then shove him from the vehicle. Could he be any more condescending? He leaned over and patted her hand softly. So, yes, he could be more condescending.
    When are you coming home, Karru? I need you .
    “Of course.” She wasn’t going to remind him that she’d spent six years behind an intake desk. That part of her job included dissecting and breaking down counterfeit pads. If she could tear one apart and put it back together again, she sure as hell could push a button and read.
    Calm down. One zentic. Maybe two. And then I can go home .
    The transport door slid open, granting them access to the bright station light. Takkol immediately rose and crawled through the exit, waving and smiling at the crowd as if he was the one wearing the crown. Whatever. She just wanted out of this damn dress.
    She eased toward the door and glanced out, giving her guard Rasu a pleading look. There was no way she was crawling out of there without falling on her ass and embarrassing herself. Seeming to understand her problem, he didn’t reach for her, but did bend his arm and hold out his elbow for her use. Good enough. Ever since Karru’s order that no one touch her, every male had been afraid of getting within five feet of her.
    With the exception of the annoying yet necessary advisors. They had no sense of personal space.
    She carefully exited and pushed to her feet, giving Rasu a grateful smile, and then she sought the path to the structure’s door. Takkol met her gaze with an angry glare, his face flushed and filled with fury, probably because he had to wait on her. The man was always waiting on her. This job sucked.
    Her guards closed in around her, six males all chosen by Karru and intent on keeping her safe from harm.
    “Jhoari.” Rasu—the eldest and most experienced of the men—spoke to her. “We respectfully request that you… require a clothing adjustment for a moment.” She furrowed her brow and shot him a questioning look. “Please.”
    The men surrounding her, this male in particular, had never done anything to make her doubt his integrity and honor, so she did as asked and pretended to slip. She turned her foot sideways, acting as if her heel went out from under her, and she carefully lowered to the ground to “fix” the problem. “Okay, you have me. Why do you need me?”
    The male knelt at her side, his back to the structure. “Respectfully—”
    “Just spit it out already.” They didn’t have much time.
    “There is talk that Advisor Takkol is using these negotiations to the benefit of himself and not Palia. Your guard know you have not had much of a chance to review the data for this wentics’ meeting and merely ask that you think of Palia as words are murmured in your ears.” The words were low, quiet, and fast, but she recognized the warning for what it was.
    Advisor Takkol was looking to line his pockets or benefit himself in some way. Of course she had to deal with political intrigue on her first wentic actively trying to act as empress.
    Where are you, Karru? I need you.
    And not just because he had a wicked mouth.
    “I understand. If you could help me to my feet, I’d appreciate it.” She held out her hand, and for the first time since Karru had returned to Palia, she experienced warm skin on skin. It wasn’t arousing by any means, but it was definitely comforting. When she was once again on two feet, she turned her head slightly and spoke to the men. “I trust you all because Karru trusts you. Please stay close.”
    “As you wish, Jhoari.”
    As she wished.

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