don’t think he actually planned to take us, kid. Just slow us down so his friends could escape.”
    “Wow.” Joshua sat back staring off into nothing. “That might be the bravest thing I’ve ever heard.”
    Gryphon nodded. “You should have seen him. No fear at all.”
    Joshua blinked out of his trance. “And they call you the hero?”
    Gryphon swatted at him but Joshua easily dodged.
    “I need to tell Zo.” Joshua’s eyes went unfocused again.
    “Is she impressed by bravery?” said Gryphon, wondering why he cared.
    “She doesn’t believe in it. That’s why I need to tell her.”
    “Naturally.” Gryphon snickered over his mug. “Isn’t she a bit old for you, kid?”
    “Stop making fun. She’s sad all the time. I think something inspiring would make her happy.”
    Gryphon’s shoulders rose and fell with a heavy sigh. Once Joshua set his mind on something there was no deterring him. “Don’t get too attached to this Nameless girl. It will only bring you trouble.”
    Joshua jumped to his feet and bounded to the door. “I’ve got training tomorrow. Need to get some sleep.” He went to leave but stopped and turned. “Her name is Zo , Gryph.”

Chapter 11

    Zo couldn’t stop thinking of Gabe as she silently slipped out the door of the Nameless’ barracks. Just knowing he was somewhere inside the Gate made it hard to concentrate on her footing as she navigated the darkness. There was a good chance that at this moment he was being tortured for information. No use hoping for a better alternative.
    Gabe had plenty to hide. Beyond knowing the plans and location of the Allied Camp, Gabe was one of the few people to ever be invited into the Raven settlement as an ambassador for Commander Laden. If what Zo heard in the Medica was true, Chief Barnabas would do anything to have that kind of tactical information. Yes, the Ram needed the Raven food stores, but Zo had a feeling there was more to it than that. What if the Ram really did intend to move the entire clan south? She knew the Wolves sat on the most fertile land in the region. Would the Ram try to take it from them? No one—not even Commander Laden—believed they’d have the nerve to strike so far from the Gate.
    But what if they did?
    Zo’s foot caught on a low branch and she stumbled to the earth, bruising her knee on a rock. She pushed her palms into the soggy ground and let her head hang forward. She welcomed the pain of her throbbing knee. The dark emotion that had long ago hijacked her rational self actually enjoyed the pain. Told her she deserved it. Even uncomfortable feeling is still … feeling.
    The thick mud on her face itched like a wicked rash and she eventually climbed back to her feet. Clumps of rock-hard clay ripped away layers of Zo’s skin before they fell to the dark forest floor. Her body reeked like manure, but she couldn’t complain about the results of the mud and smelly perfume. With the exception of the Gate Master, the Ram soldiers had left her alone.
    The moon glowed like a thousand torches reflecting off the white stone of the mountain as she walked to the river. This far away from the barracks she could almost imagine she was outside the Gate.
    At home picking peas in the garden while Gabe romped around the yard with Tess laughing uncontrollably while riding on his shoulders.
    Zo forced thoughts of Gabe away and traveled with the silence of the Wolf, keeping to the balls of her bare feet, avoiding low branches and twigs by instinct as much as practice. She reached the river near the base of the mountain in record time.
    Zo pulled out one of five glass bottles from her satchel and double-checked the stopper. She hugged the bottle to her chest before carefully dropping it into the river. Her hands shook and she repeated her actions until all five were lost to the fast moving current. Five chances for the Allies to learn Gabe’s fate and discover the location and times of the next Ram excursion. Five

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