Unseen Things Above

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Book: Unseen Things Above by Catherine Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Fox
wonders. The archdeacon (astute strategist that he is) pointed out to her that if the Lindchester half of the CNC vote en bloc, they can pretty much ensure the outcome. But that feels too hard-nosed for Marion. Although the Principal of Barchester Theological College’s name is there . . . And Marion knows that neither Father Wendy nor Father Geoff would be hostile to Guilden Hargreaves as bishop. But what about the lay members of the CNC – would they be averse?
    Father Wendy chats it all over with Pedro as they walk along the banks of the Linden.
    Father Geoff prays in a Celtic manner for the names on the list. For guidance. Christ on my right, Christ on my left. He banishes his fears about Veronica da Silva’s CV (he’s informed the archdeacon, he can leave it in the archdeacon’s hands). Patiently, he sets those fears outside the circle of Christ’s light each time they obtrude.
    I’m sorry to say that the archdeacon has not given Geoff’s concerns another thought. That email is now buried. Maybe later Matt will remember with a jolt. But right now, he has something even more horrible to contemplate. It’s Friday. He’s just checked his phone. That texted apology to Dr R from weeks ago remains ‘undelivered’. Crap. She’ll think— No-o-o! He clasps his hands behind his neck and gazes up to heaven in despair. This is a Total. Mare.
    With all this on his mind, it’s probably just as well he has no idea his name is on that CNC list too.


    Chapter 7
    F ly, my pretties! Fly!’ whispers Gene. He gives the departing guests one last royal wave, and shuts the door.
    Post-evensong Sunday tea in the deanery drawing room has just finished. The real deal: silver teapot, bone china service, linen napkins. He wheels the detritus back through to the kitchen on an antique wooden trolley.
    â€˜So, what are the archbishop’s views on our next bishop?’ he asks.
    â€˜We didn’t discuss the CNC,’ says Marion. ‘This afternoon was all about Lindchester celebrating twenty years of women priests.’
    â€˜Do you think he’d try to block Gilderoy Lockhart’s appointment?’
    â€˜His name’s Guilden Hargreaves, you horrible man.’
    â€˜I’m aware that Gilderoy’s your preferred candidate.’ Gene holds up a hand. ‘It’s fine – no need to confirm or deny. Maybe he’ll meet someone, then his boyfriend and I can run the diocesan clergy spouses programme together? At last, an end to aromatherapy awaydays! My masterplan enters its final phase – to turn the diocesan retreat house into a Texan bordello! Dame Perdy could be the Madam! Ooh, will I need to apply to the archdeacon for a faculty?’
    â€˜You’re hopeless.’
    â€˜But I behaved myself impeccably all afternoon!’
    â€˜You did not. You were doing your Eugène Terre’Blanche impression.’
    â€˜Oh, phoo! Only the mild version. I doubt if anyone noticed. But go on: what do you make of our new archbishop? Quite the handsome devil, isn’t he? In a faded Biggles kind of way. But is he a weeny bit starchy? He looks as though he keeps a WWJD biro clenched in his butt cheeks.’
    â€˜ Thank you for that image, Gene.’
    â€˜Speaking as an unreconstructed old lecher, though, I like his wife! But tell me the truth’ – Gene drops his voice – ‘do you think she had any idea quite how much cleavage she was blessing us with?’
    A diplomatic pause. ‘Oh, I’m sure Cordelia . . . These wrap dresses can be a bit tricky to pull off.’
    â€˜Tricky? Piece of piss. One quick tug . . . Shall I buy you one? Would you like that?’
    â€˜You can load the dishwasher and shut up,’ says Marion. ‘I’d like that .’
    â€˜I’m yours to command, Deanissima.’
    If Marion had asked him, Rupert Anderson might have given the following opinion. The time to object to

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