All the Wright Moves

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Book: All the Wright Moves by McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke
mouth. Oh my goodness. His eyes watched her the whole time and she could see the desire in their depths. Another bite, and another—he continued to feed her until she shook her head at the offer. She couldn’t possibly eat another bite. Warwick finished off the final piece on the utensil.
    He placed the fork down and kissed her. Covered her lips with his until she opened for his questing tongue. He took his time and explored her mouth, allowing his taste combined with the lemon cake to flood her.
    Lord help me.
    Her hands settled upon his shoulders, drawing him in closer. His touch intoxicated. Her nipples pressed tightly against the material of her bra. With a possessive growl he yanked her from her chair and settled her across his lap. Tightening his hold on her hair, he plundered her mouth, taking what he wanted. Her submission. Which she gave. Willingly. From her mouth he progressed down along her chin, across her exposed neck to her shoulder, where he nipped. A spear of electricity shot through her at that. She hung her head back, exposing herself to him, offering herself to him.
    “Warwick,” she panted, her nails digging through his shirt. She rubbed her lower body continually along his shaft.
    He cupped her ass and got to his feet. “Bedroom?”
    “Down the hall, second door on the—” He swept her off her feet and held her against his powerful chest. Her body felt so right in his arms. Once in the bedroom, the light on, he placed her on her feet and kissed her again, pressed her back against the door and made love to her mouth with his kisses.
    She wanted him naked. Wanted him to be deep inside her. Wanted her nails digging into the flesh on his back as he pounded into her while she cried to the room. He gripped the bottom of her tunic, ripped his mouth off hers and lifted the fabric over her head leaving her clad in a ribbed white tank top. The tunic dropped forgotten to the floor.
    Dear merciful heavens, I’m going to become a puddle if he keeps looking at me like that.
    He reached for the button on her jeans and she took a sharp breath when he undid it, the hiss of the zipper the only sound in the room other than their breathing. When he tugged them down, she almost stopped him but the need pooled deep within her stayed her hand. Once they reached her feet, she stepped out of them, kicked them to the side. Her shoes followed soon after.
    A grumble raced out of him. He took the hem of her tank top and slowly drew it up over her head.
    “Beautiful,” he whispered.
    She stood against the wall wearing a white bra and panties. He stared hungrily at her, like a wolf watching a yearling. It increased the liquid heat coursing through her veins, the craving for him amplified one hundred fold.
    His hands shadowed her silhouette from head to toe. He trailed his fingers up the outsides of her legs, moving towards her waist. His touch burned her to the core. Her legs trembled as she tried to remain upright.
    Along the outsides of her bra, he dragged his touch over the full globes. Her nipples hardened even more, crying out for his touch without the satin of the bra between them.
    “Look at you,” he breathed. “All swells and curves. Perfection. You have a body the gods made for loving, Katiya Wright.”
    She felt like it.
    One finger slid a white bra strap down over one shoulder. She held her breath. Finally the cup dropped from her breast, exposing the puckered nipple.
    Touch me.
    His thumb swiped the tip and shot spikes of electricity through her. “Warwick,” she whimpered.
    “Katiya.” His voice low and silvery with seduction.
    She screamed when he drew the diamond hard point into his mouth. He sucked hard and dragged his teeth across the hypersensitive nub. Her legs quavered and the arm he snaked around her midsection was the only reason she didn’t collapse to the carpeted floor.
    Stars flickered before her eyes. She grabbed his hair, pressing him tight to her, needing more. Desperate for more. He

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