Courting Miss Vallois

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Book: Courting Miss Vallois by Gail Whitiker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Whitiker
out. ‘You would be able to lead the life of a lady and you would have the respect of society—’
    â€˜But not the independence,’ Sophie said. ‘I would be subject to my husband’s whims. Forever at his beck and call, with nothing to call my own. That is not how I wish to live my life.’
    â€˜But you are so very beautiful, Sophie,’ Lavinia said, trying to make her understand. ‘You saw how popular you were tonight.’
    â€˜What I saw were ladies far more accomplished than myself dancing with gentlemen of wealth and breeding in a world familiar to them both. That isn’t my world, Lavinia. And no gentleman of good family is going to bother with an unsophisticated French girl like me.’
    â€˜Let me tell you something, Sophia Chantal Vallois,’ Lavinia said quietly. ‘The young lady I’ve come to know is not in the least unsophisticated. She is a beautiful young woman who is going to make a lot of men fall in love with her, and when she finds the right man, she is going to find out that being loved by him is the sweetest pleasure of all.’
    Sophie’s mouth twisted. ‘I will tell you if it happens.’
    â€˜You won’t have to.’ Lavinia stood up, her face breaking into a smile. ‘Your face will say it all.’

Chapter Five
    â€˜S o, did you meet anyone at Lady Bruxton’s ball with whom you would like to further an acquaintance?’ Robert asked his sister as he turned the landau towards Eaton Place the following afternoon.
    Jane, who was looking exceedingly stylish in a deep maroon gown with a new cream-and-maroon bonnet, pulled a face. ‘Not a one—and please do not suggest I encourage Mr Hemmings. He is surely the most tiresome man on earth.’
    â€˜What about Sir Bartholomew Grout?’
    â€˜For pity’s sake, Robert. Even wearing spectacles, the man is constantly tripping over his own feet. I need someone sturdier than that lest we both find ourselves on the ground half the time. And though I spoke to him for almost ten minutes, he did not smile at me once!’
    â€˜A most grievous offence, I’m sure,’ Robert said as he drew up before the Longworths’ town house.
    â€˜It was to me,’ Jane said. ‘And I suspect it would be to you as well.’
    â€˜Thankfully, I’m not keeping a list of anyone’s good or bad points at the moment.’
    â€˜Well, you should. That way when the right lady comes along, you will be prepared.’
    Robert secured the reins. ‘Fine. When she appears, I shall be sure to make a note of how many times she makes me smile.’
    â€˜Odious man!’ Jane said, though she was quick to laugh. ‘Perhaps you are better off with a mistress. I don’t suppose it matters how many times she makes you smile, since smiling is not the purpose of the association.’
    It was an outrageous remark for an unmarried girl to make even to her older brother, but to be made within hearing of a gentleman with whom she had no acquaintance at all was as grievous a social error as a young lady could commit. Robert glanced at the darkly handsome gentleman standing at the bottom of the steps and realised his sister had just committed an unforgivable faux-pas in front of Antoine Vallois.
    â€˜Oh, dear,’ Jane said, clearly not sure whether to laugh or to beg an apology. ‘That was extremely bad timing. I hope, sir, that you will forgive my unfortunate choice of words. My poor brother is used to such outbursts, but I fear the general public is not.’
    The gentleman walked slowly towards the carriage. ‘Perhaps I should claim not to have heard the remark, mademoiselle. That would, I expect, be the more gentlemanly thing to do.’ He looked at Robert and nodded. ‘We meet again, Mr Silverton.’
    â€˜Mr Vallois,’ Robert said, his voice clipped. ‘Allow me to introduce my sister, Jane. And while I should offeran

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