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Book: Step by Roxie Rivera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxie Rivera
Tags: new adult, romantic suspense
    I made a face. "It's gross. Benji always tries to drag me into his games, but I can't handle them."
    "Benji sounds like my kind of people."
    "He definitely is your people. He was at your concert last night."
    Step's brow furrowed. "I thought you said he's underage."
    "He is."
    His expression turned pensive and then he seemed curious. "Your brother doesn't have the same father as you, right?"
    "Right." I took another bite of pancakes. "People always asked if we were adopted when we were younger because I'm, like, as white as they come, and he's half black. It used to upset him so much when he was little."
    "People are assholes."
    "Yes, they are."
    Step sat back. "Does your brother have dreadlocks and a labret? Another piercing on his eyebrow?"
    I lowered my fork. "Yes. Why?"
    Step shook his head slowly and laughed. "I met him last night."
    "You're joking."
    "No. We had a run-in at Slaughterhouse. I was leaving with those—I was leaving, and he had gotten himself into some trouble with our security officer. I made sure he got his autograph and a free shirt and then told them to put him and his friend in a cab." Step drummed his fingers on the island. "Small world, huh?"
    "Yes." I almost couldn't believe how our lives had started to intersect even before we met.
    "Did he get home safely?"
    "Good. I'm glad." Step drummed his fingers a little faster. "It's really not safe for him to be out that late."
    I shot him a warning look, and Step held up both hands. "I'm not criticizing your parenting. I'm just saying."
    "He knows that he did something stupid, and he knows that he's grounded now."
    Step tilted his head and reached out to run his fingers down my cheek. "It must be hard to play the role of sister and parent."
    I poked at the small bits of pancake left on my plate. "Some days are easier than others."
    "Speaking as a little brother who made his older brother's life a living hell, I can tell you with certainty that Benji appreciates everything you've done for him, and he loves you for it. But he's young. And young guys? They do stupid shit. The best you can do is try to give him good guidance and be there to prop him up when he stumbles."
    "I try." Not wanting to talk about the reality of raising a younger sibling anymore, I changed the subject. "So, if you have this amazing place, why did you rent that hotel suite?"
    "I don't bring women here."
    His statement confused me. "Um…"
    His hand settled over mine, and he drew my gaze. His bright green eyes searched mind. "Do you understand what that means, Jem?"
    I gulped nervously. "I think I do."
    "You think?" He flashed that devilishly mischievous smile of his and leaned forward. "I'm not doing a very good job if you only think you understand."
    I whimpered and clutched at his shoulders when he captured my mouth in a decadently erotic kiss. He tasted sweet and hot, the sugar rush of maple syrup making my head spin. Our kiss grew frenzied and needful. No longer constrained by my fears of being discovered at work, I surrendered to the sensual wantonness he had awakened in me.
    "Step!" I cried out in surprise when he slid his arms around me and hefted me right up out of the chair. He used his arm to shove his plate and glass out of the way. Silverware clattered when it hit the floor. The glass tipped over and began to spill water onto the floor. Neither of us gave a damn in that moment.
    He deposited me right in front of him on the counter and forced my thighs open. After insinuating his body between my spread legs, he cupped the back of my head and ravenously claimed my mouth. I couldn’t do anything but hold on tight for the ride as his tongue darted against mine and his fingers flicked through the buttons on the front of my uniform. He bared my cheap Walmart bra to his hungry gaze and then nuzzled his face between my breasts.
    My head dropped back as he dotted feverish kisses on my cleavage and then along the sensitive curve of my throat. I had never experienced

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