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cut on my left thumb and within 2 hours, 4 people attempted to bite me. These bites required more bacon bandages, which, in turn, were responsible for more bites. The amount of bites per bandage applied rose exponentially to the point where I may die from blood loss. I am in desperate need of some liver-and-onion bandages as these would be appealing only to geriatrics who would be easily fought off.
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
    Great on my boo-boo
    By Armando Kiyama “Mondo Photo” , July 21, 2013
    Neighborhood cats keep following me when I wear these; maybe they shouldn’t smell like bacon. These are the other white Band-Aid.
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    It don’t get no better than this
    By Sir George Martini “Verbalosity” , March 10, 2013
    I’ve used bacon for bandages for years because of its medicinal qualities. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it came as an adhesive bandage. Now I don’t have to worry about removing grease stains from my clothing.
    3,988 of 4,026 people found the following review helpful
    Bacon the most of it
    By George Takei , July 21, 2013
    Looking to add a little sizzle to your next flesh wound? Tired of the same boaring bandages? Not to pork fun at an injury, but nothing strips the pain away like meating friends out dressed like this. “That’s sow wrong, George!” they squeal. But fat chance they let such a pig idea go. In fact, they often rip it off quickly—after giving me the cold shoulder. Perhaps it’s time to climb out of this filthy pig pun. I can’t help it: I ham what I ham.
    Customer Questions & Answers
    Got any that look like scar tissue or open wounds?
    A Halloween best seller?
    Show off my ouchee?
    This question currently does not have a response. Please visit Amazon.com to answer this customer’s question.
    Healing powers of bacon

Sharp Provolone Piccante Cheese (Whole Wheel)
    Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029XZAUQ

    3.1 out of 5 stars
    Name:       Sharp Provolone Piccante Cheese (Whole Wheel), Approximately 60 lb.
    ASIN:      B0029XZAUQ
    Price:       $849.53
    Description: CHEESE
    Most Helpful Customer Reviews
    28 of 31 people found the following review helpful
    My plan is complete!
    By Simeon Lees , January 13, 2013
    I purchased this as the last part that I needed for my organic motherboard, which I’m using to power my time machine. First impressions: the packaging is great and probably justifies the cost in itself. It is indeed sharp, and I cut my finger while slotting it into place in the motherboard. I turned it on, and I have to say it works a treat; started spinning and powered the time machine with conviction unmatched by cheaper brands. One niggle is that after about 20 minutes of continuous use, it starts to overheat and becomes sticky and gives off quite a pungent smell which is especially overpowering in small rooms.
    116 of 126 people found the following review helpful
    Stay classy
    By Ron Burgundy , January 5, 2013
    My dog Baxter ate the whole wheel of cheese before I could get to it. I’m not mad though. It was kind of amazing. I’ll buy another one next paycheck.
    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    Close to perfect
    By Andrew , February 20, 2013
    But for the number of cracker boxes required to enjoy, this would have been a five-star review. Thank god for The Dollar Store!
    126 of 135 people found the following review helpful
    Competition disaster (oval)
    By Russell Simpson , January 10, 2013
    I am still recovering from this weekend when I was the laughingstock of the entire Mariposa County Cheese Rolling ‘Rollapalooza.’ I purchased this cheese “WHEEL” as a last minute replacement for my trusty 75-lb Pecorino Wheel which got defaced by local youths. Still, I was looking forward to chasing a lighter “WHEEL” down the hill—this would give me more dynamic control over the direction of the roll. On the morning of the

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