A Very Daring Christmas (The Tavonesi Series Book 8)
    She took in a breath and watched for half a minute. The photographers were training their cameras on the surfers.
    “Let’s go in—they aren’t tabloid shooters. These guys seem cool.”
    She let go of his hand to dig the pass Cory had sent her out of her back pocket. She flashed it, and the security guys let them into the tent.
    She scanned the scene. Surfboards lined the tent, and men in board shorts and rash guards talked around a table spread with snacks and beverages. “I don’t see my friend.”
    “There’s a board here with the heats listed,” Jake pointed out. Of course he’d know how to scope out the rudiments of the sport, figure out how scores were kept. “What’s his name?”
    “Cory Brandon.”
    Jake ran his finger along the names on the board. “Cory Brandon’s already run. Top score. He won’t have to ride again until tomorrow.”
    “Maybe he’s around. He’s seeded to win this.” But when she asked after Cory, it turned out he was off-site for a charity gig in the city.
    “I love the buzz in here,” Cameron said, referring to the mixture of accents and languages among the waiting contestants.
    “Yup, pregame buzz. Best next to game buzz, but not as good as win buzz.”
    And she’d have to be dead not to notice the sensual beauty of suntanned skin over hard-planed muscle and the variations in the surfers’ bodies. Jake was taller by a head than most of the men in the tent, but these men had bodies trained and toned to take on the ocean.
    “Yo!” said a guy with an Australian accent as he approached them. “Dev Merchado,” the man said, offering his hand to Jake. “Saw you play in the World Series last year. Awesome game. You here to see us ride the heat?”
    “Thanks.” Jake nodded to Cameron. “My friend knows one of the leaders.”
    He’d avoided using her name. She loved him for it.
    “I’m up in ten minutes,” Dev said, pointing to the board. “I intend to win this bugger,” he added with a laugh. “No aspersion on your friend. Who is your friend, by the way?”
    “Cory Brandon,” Cameron said, grateful that the surfer was treating her like any other fan there to see the contest.
    Dev gave a low whistle. “He’s the one to beat—best on the circuit. No one’s beat him since he went vegan. I’m thinking of taking up a nuts-and-berries diet if it’ll give me an edge.”
    Jake laughed. “Guys on the team swear by kale smoothies.”
    “Not sure I can go that far.” Dev chuckled. “But I am going to consider meeting you today as my good luck charm.” He held his hand out to Cameron. “And you too. Any friend of Cory’s is a friend of mine.” He picked up a sleek board leaning against a table. “Show time. You two can watch from the judges stand if you’d like. Use this pass.” He grabbed a blue lariat from a bag on the floor and handed it to Jake.
    They followed Dev out of the tent into blazing sunshine. The photographers trailed Dev like a flock of hungry geese. Cameron envied his easy way with them. But unlike paparazzi, these shooters were asking questions about the wave conditions, about strategy.
    “Maybe I should take up surfing,” Jake said. “The surfing press is so much more laid-back than the sports press.”
    Instinctively she scanned the area. No one was coming at her. No one was focused on her. “I hope you never get a taste of the tabloid maniacs.” She breathed a sigh. “And in case you haven’t noticed, you’re way too tall to surf.”
    “Is that a dare, Miss Kelley?”
    The challenging look in his eyes and his flashing grin set the butterflies in her belly leaping all over again. Jake Ryder was a fire that she shouldn’t be toying with. Her heart wasn’t even close to healing from her last foolish choice.
    “I never dare people. Never.”
    He guided her to a spot near the edge of the platform with a great view of the ocean. “Can’t take the heat?”
    Heat. He had no idea the effect he had on her. Or did

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