Blood Lure

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Book: Blood Lure by J. P. Bowie Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. P. Bowie
Tags: Romance
as he could. He kept getting the impression that his dad wanted to tell him something. He would look at Joey, a momentary gleam of anticipation in his eyes that would fade as soon as the words he reached for failed to materialise. It was almost as frustrating for Joey as he knew it must be for his father.
    On Joey’s final day at home, his father grew agitated. Nothing Arlene said would calm him down. Joey knelt at his feet and held his hands, urging him to tell them what troubled him. But Bob seemed to drift away, the only sign of whatever emotion he was feeling at that moment were the tears that squeezed from between his closed eyelids.
    Joey left, promising he would return the following weekend. “If I can get off sooner, I will,” he told his mother as he hugged her goodbye. “And if he gets worse, call me right away.”
    J.P. Bowie

Chapter Five
    Joey couldn’t get over the depression of seeing his once fun and athletic father reduced to a man who could no longer retain a coherent thought, and who was failing, physically, along with his deteriorating mental state.
    As much as he wanted to see Jared he didn’t want to start their evening together looking gloomy and upset. Staring at himself in the bathroom mirror after he’d showered, his reflection attested to the fact he looked decidedly out of sorts. Maybe he should call Jared tomorrow when he might be feeling a little better?
    His cell ringing made the decision for him. “Hi, Jared,” he said after glancing at caller ID.
    “Joey, how was your visit home?”
    As always Jared’s husky voice made Joey’s breath hitch in his chest.
    “I can tell from that tone it was not okay. What is wrong?”
    Joey sighed. “Oh, Jared, I don’t want to burden you with my family problems.”
    “But I insist you do. I’ll be over in a few minutes.” With that, he cut the connection.
    Oh, God. Was there an easier way to lose a potential boyfriend’s interest than to regale him with a tale of family woe? If there was, Joey didn’t know what it could be.
    Damn. He should call Jared back right now and beg off until tomorrow. By then, he might just be in a better frame of mind. He flipped his cell phone open, but couldn’t bring himself to punch in Jared’s number. He did so want to see him, for Pete’s sake. He wanted it more than he wanted anything else at that moment. Wanted to feel Jared’s hard, strong arms around him, and to kiss those amazing lips of his.
    Okay, he’s on his way, so perk it up some …
    He pulled a T-shirt and shorts from the dresser drawer and dressed quickly. Maybe a martini would help put him in a better mood.
    Nothing more mellowing than a martini .
    He was pretty sure he had some vodka in the pantry somewhere.
    Yeah, there it is .
    J.P. Bowie
    He poured a generous amount over ice, then added a whisper of vermouth and an olive.
    Good …
    A knock at the door had him slopping the martini on his T-shirt.
    Damn, that was quick!
    He ran to the door and threw it open. “What are you?” he exclaimed, excited at the sight of the beautiful man standing in the doorway. “The Flash?”
    “The who?” Jared asked, stepping inside and taking Joey in his arms.
    The kiss he placed on Joey’s lips drove all rational thought from Joey’s mind. All he could think of at that moment was how incredible it was to be held in this hard, strong embrace and to have his mouth scorched by Jared’s luscious lips…
    “The Flash,” Joey said weakly, when they came up for air. He was already intoxicated by Jared’s presence. “He’s a comic book superhero who can travel at the speed of light.”
    “Ah, not quite the speed of light,” Jared said, kissing Joey again. “But I got here as quickly as I could.”
    “God, you’re wonderful. I think I have my own superhero—Wonder Man.”
    “I’m no hero, Joey. Just someone who cares for you very much, and who could tell you’re upset.”
    “Oh, that.” Joey

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