Mary and the Bear
a plate.
    She had to hand it to Kiesha; this was quite a spread. There were cheeses, all kinds of meats, crackers, chips and dip, the makings for nachos, and of course, desserts. She loaded her plate with a variety of foods, heavy on the meat and cheeses, and found a quiet corner to sit and eat.
    While eating, she people watched. It was hard to believe that the majority of them were shape-shifters. By just looking at them, she couldn't tell human from the non-human. They all appeared the same to her, except for that nose thing she'd caught some of them doing. They just seemed so normal. She wasn't sure when she made the decision to believe Kiesha's tale, or if she'd actually made one. She just trusted that her friend was telling her the truth, strange though it may seem.
    She didn't know what time it was, but she noticed the crowd was thinning. A lot of the older people had already left. She watched as families herded their children toward the door. Now that there were less people, she realized she hadn't seen Kiesha for some time.
    She finished eating and had drained her drink when she noticed something strange. When she arrived, men were swarming all around her. Now, although a few cast looks her way, none of them approached. Shrugging her shoulders, she pushed the thought out of her mind as her head bobbed to the music. The mood of the party changed. Someone dimmed the lights and hung a disco ball, creating a strobe effect. The music was hipper, and the beat more driving. Her toe was tapping as she swayed from side to side. The beat got into her soul, compelling her to move. She allowed the pulsing music to drive her onto the dance floor, joining the other gyrating bodies already there.
    * * * *
    Hugh leaned his shoulder against a wall in a corner that gave him a good view of the room. He pinned his gaze on Mary Elizabeth, watching her every move. Whenever any man approached her, he growled possessively, knowing that the sound would carry. The wolves, recognizing the sound for what it was, steered clear of her, not wanting to risk antagonizing off an already angry bear.
    He groaned as she danced her way onto the dance floor. He straightened, his posture aggressive as he physically dared any man to dance with her. Hugh watched as she strutted her stuff, mesmerized by the swaying of her hips. Her body called to his like a siren, and he was helpless to resist. He pushed his way through the crowd until he was directly behind her. Not wanting her to stop, he matched his movements to hers, easing closer a little bit at a time. He wanted her to become accustomed to the feel of his body against hers.
    * * * *
    In some small portion of her mind, Mary Elizabeth was aware that it was Hugh she was dancing with. She could tell by the way that her body responded. She didn't react this way with any other male. She eased back into him, enjoying the feel of his body against hers. She made no complaint when he claimed her hips with his hands, pulling her firmly into his aroused body. Instead, she lifted her arms up and back until she could lock her hands around his neck.
    This position thrust out her chest, causing a dangerous amount of cleavage to be exposed. She didn't care. She wanted him to see, wanted him to feel what she was feeling. The rhythm was pulsing, driving, sexual in nature. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the music, letting her inhibitions melt away. She wanted this man, needed him to assuage the ache building in her body. She spread her legs and arched her back, changing the movement of her body so that it rubbed sensuously against his.
    * * * *
    Hugh swore under his breath as her action caused brown of her areoles to be revealed. A little bit more and he'd be able to see her nipples. He wanted to see them. He wanted to touch them and squeeze them, to put his mouth on them and see how sensitive they were. He wanted to know if he could make her come just from sucking on her breasts.
    The woman was driving him

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