that we were forbidden from using ley lines or flying, angel style! However, now it was Monday, Saffy was safely ensconced at Harvard and my aunt was back to business.
    ‘So, this morning I thought we could go over some basics for you, Jess. I think more than anything you need to master all the basic protection and survival spells, so the next time you get yourself into a pickle, you will at least have some idea of how to protect yourself,’ she said.
    ‘Brilliant! Can I learn that disappearing trick that Brittany and Saffy both use?’ I asked.
    ‘Saffy? When have you seen Saffy doing that?’ she said, a small frown flitting across her features.
    ‘Oh errr, I…’
    ‘Yes? Go on.’
    ‘Well, on the first day, when I went for a walk I found a beautiful little glen surrounded by trees,’ I paused; even though I disliked the girl, I didn’t want to act like a schoolgirl snitch.
    ‘Oh, you found our ceremonial circle. It’s beautiful isn’t it?’
    ‘Yes. I wondered what it was and I hope you don’t mind, but I took Brittany there yesterday to show her. It was very peaceful,’ I said, hoping she’d forgotten the reason for the discussion.
    ‘No, I’m glad you found it. You shall both be welcomed into the coven shortly and then you’ll see how magical the circle can be. It’s a very powerful place, so you should be careful and don’t practice any magic there unsupervised.’
    ‘Okay… so what spells shall I learn today?’ I asked.
    My aunt sighed. ‘Jess, I realise you don’t want to tell me about Saffy and I do hope she hasn’t been unkind to you. I did so hope you would become friends and you may still. She had such a hard time when her sister left us. She’s been left with all the responsibility of stepping into Susannah’s shoes and learning how to lead the coven, and I fear it may be too much for her.’
    I said nothing and looked down to hide my frown. This didn’t sound like the girl I’d seen, but then maybe this was her way of dealing with it.
    ‘Sure, so should Brittany be here too?’ I asked, wondering where both she and Luke had gotten to.
    ‘No, she already has great spelling ability, all she needs to learn is our Witches Rede and basic supernatural law. I have given her our guidance book and I believe both she and Luke have gone off into town. I thought it would be nice for us to have some time getting to know each other today,’ she said with a smile.
    ‘What is the Witches Rede?’ I asked.
    ‘The Rede states our moral system. It is really very simple. The Rede itself is just, An ye harm none, do what ye will, but there are other laws and principles attached to this which need to be learned. You can share the book with Brittany and learn it together.’
    ‘Okay. So if I’m not going to learn the disappearing spell yet, what am I going to learn?’ I asked.
    ‘Well, first I think we’ll start you off with a simple Level two money spell. Essentially once you have knowledge of all our spells you will have no need for this, but it can be useful if you find yourself somewhere new, and then need to blend in. You need no space, no circle, in fact it can be done in a quiet toilet cubicle in an emergency. All you need is a coin, which is why most witches carry one of these on a thong around our necks. Here,’ she said, handing me a circular coin with a square hole cut out of the middle and symbol inscriptions carved into it.
    ‘Is it Chinese?’ I asked, recognising it as something I’d seen in China Town, back home in Manchester.
    ‘Yes, which is why you can wear it around your neck without arousing any suspicion. Their charms actually do work, used in the correct manner,’ she said.
    ‘So what do I do with it?’ I asked. ‘If it’s Chinese.’
    ‘It doesn’t matter what currency it is, the coin is just to help you focus. Watch.’
    I sat back in my chair and watched as she took the coin back, placed it on her palm and then covered it with her other hand. Her hands

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