Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy)

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Book: Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy) by Brooke Cumberland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Cumberland
but this one was special to me. It felt like we would be officially engaged or something—officially announcing it to the world that Molly was mine.
    “You’re home early,” Michael stated, plopping his ass on the barstool.
    “You’re observant.” I grinned. I lay my fat planner on the table opening up to the phone numbers that I needed.
    “So smartass, do you need me to help yet?”
    “Well, I want to get Molly a gift. Any ideas?”
    “That five carat diamond you gave her wasn’t enough?” He raised an eyebrow.
    “Okay for starters, it wasn’t five carats. Secondly, you live here rent free, so limit the smartass comments, and thirdly, you smell funny.”
    He laughed. “I smell funny? It’s called working out. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?” He lifted his arm up and kissed his bicep.
    “We are so not having this conversation.” I laughed. “Okay, enough muscle talk. I need ideas.”
    “Alright fine. What kind of gift do you want to give her?”
    “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you for help,” I scoffed.
    “Not what you want to get her, dumbass, but what kind ? Like…what do you want the gift to mean or say by giving it to her?”
    I let that one slide, but scowled at him anyway.
    “I want it to say that this finalizes it. This means us forever. That we’re meant for each other.” He lifted one side of his lip in a not impressed look and crossed his arms. “What?” I snapped.
    “I didn’t know you were such a girl,” he teased.
    “Ugh, forget it. I don’t want your help.” I closed my planner and pushed myself against the table to stand up.
    “Okay, okay, you big baby. I’ll help you.”
    “No smartass remarks?”
    “Fine,” I growled. Michael was a good guy, but he sure loved to give me shit. I still thought, even after all this time, he was having a hard time letting Molly and Stella go completely. I mean, they’d always be within arms reach of each other, but I think us getting married just made it more concrete that Molly was moving on and starting a life with another man.
    “She loves charm bracelets.”
    “Bracelets? I’ve never seen her wear one.”
    “She got one from Liam. She used to wear it every single day, even after he passed away. It was like her little memory holder. As long as she wore it, it was as if Liam was still with her,” he replied sincerely, all joking aside.
    “Why doesn’t she wear it anymore?” I asked, wondering why I had never seen it before.
    “Honestly, I don’t know. She stopped wearing it a while ago. I haven’t seen it.”
    “So you think a charm bracelet is a good idea then? You don’t think it’ll bring up the memory of Liam?”
    “I think she’ll love it if it’s from you,” he responded sincerely. “And add some of that sappy shit to it, and she’ll go crazy over it.” He grinned, trying to hide his smile.
    “Thanks, man. Appreciate the help. Even if you’re a pain the ass.” I patted him on the back before I left the room.
    “That’s what I’m here for. Day or night!” he called out.
    *   *   *
    It was finally Saturday. Molly had no idea what was about to happen. I found the perfect Tiffany charm bracelet for her. I wanted it to represent everything we’ve been through, everything that brought us together, and everything that we shared together. I wanted to give her something special and meaningful, but for it to represent that no matter what I wasn’t going anywhere. I knew since getting engaged that she’s been having a lot of dreams about Liam and about her past, being engaged to Liam and planning a future with him. I knew she had been feeling guilty for being happy and moving on after Liam passed away. I wanted to reassure her and give her closure that it was all right to feel that way, but also, that it was all right to move on.
    I have never felt the way I feel for Molly for anyone. No ex-girlfriend has ever come close. She was it for me. She was my present, future, and forever.

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