Vicious Circles

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Book: Vicious Circles by J. L. Paul Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Paul
Tags: General Fiction
– this stuff came from Daddy’s store. Don’t worry about it,” I said, trying to steady my voice, my breathing, and my heart.
    “Thanks,” he whispered as he dropped the steak and wrapped his arm around my waist. He gave me a little squeeze and pecked the top of my head. I leaned into him, shutting my eyes, welcoming the contact. My body came to life as every nerve was on edge.
    “Col in!” Tori shouted from the backyard.
    He moved away from me quickly and strode to the back door. “In here.” I slipped a cool mask over my face and finished sorting the food while Col in shot me anxious glances as he held the door open for Tori.
    Tori was pretty – tal er than me with sandy blonde hair that curled on top of her shoulders into a stylish bob. She had hazel eyes and a sweet smile - and she irritated me immensely.
    “Hi, Bailey,” she greeted, her smile growing. She carried a ceramic bowl to the table and cleared a spot. “I made a fruit salad.”
    “Lovely,” I said with a fake grin. “Col in, do you have any bowls that I can throw this stuff in?” Tori’s smile faltered slightly as Col in gathered a few bowls from the cupboard. He set them in front of me, looking curiously into my eyes.
    Raising a brow, I motioned for him to get out of my way. His brow furrowed as he moved to stand near Tori.
    I worked quietly, transferring the potato salad from the store containers to the bowls and then proceeded to do the same with the macaroni salad.
    “Do you need help?” Tori asked in a smal , uncertain voice.
    “Sure,” I said, not looking at her. “You could find some spoons, I guess.”
    “Um, I’m going to get the gril going,” Colin said as he slinked out the door.
    My heart was torn – mad because Tori interrupted and hurt because he'd let her.
    Then the guilt emerged when I remembered Morgan.
    “I hope Lucas hurries with the alcohol,” I mumbled.
    “Col in probably has a beer in the refrigerator,” Tori offered.
    “You know, that sounds good,” I said. I smiled at her and she returned it, her eyes lighting up with hope. I brushed past her to get to the refrigerator where I dug out a beer. I took a long swig and studied the bottle. I’d been drinking quite a bit lately -
    that was not good.
    The others arrived after Tori and I got the food sorted and stored in the refrigerator.
    Col in helped Lucas and Spencer set up coolers ful of ice and fil ed them with al sorts of drinks – alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Irelyn and Morgan helped me with plates and silverware while the guys laughed around the gril .
    A preoccupied Morgan seemed miles away. I hoped she’d loosen up as the party wore on but it wasn’t looking promising -especial y with Tori around.
    Col in stomped back into the kitchen to grab the steaks out of the refrigerator.
    Opening the packages, he shot at glare at each of us girls.
    “What?” Irelyn asked.
    “You girls need to get out of here. I have to marinade these steaks and you’re not going to see my secret recipe,” he said, a smirk toying around the corners of his mouth.
    I snorted. “Not a chance.”
    He lifted a brow. “Why not?”
    “Because I don’t trust you,” I said. “Who knows what your ‘secret recipe’ is.” He leaned against the counter, folding his arms over his chest, a chal enge glinting in his eyes. “You don’t trust me? Do you think I’d poison you or something?”
    “Not exactly,” I teased. “But I do want to know what this ‘secret recipe’ is.” Barking a laugh, he pushed away from the counter. He bent in my face and my breath quickened. “Never gonna happen, darling.”
    “I bet I could get it out of you,” I said, not backing down.
    “Never,” he said, his eyes brightening with the banter.
    “Come on, Bailey,” Irelyn urged, taking my arm. “Let’s go outside and let him work.” With a shrug, I grabbed Morgan’s hand. “Fine,” I grumbled but I glanced at Col in over my shoulder and winked. His grin morphed into a sexy smile

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