Taking Angels (The Angel Crusades)

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Book: Taking Angels (The Angel Crusades) by CS Yelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: CS Yelle

“The cancer girl?”
“That’s me.” I gave him a sideways glance while
continuing to scan the lot.
“You sure don’t look like you had cancer,”
another guy piped up.
“How am I supposed to look?” My glaring eyes
met his boldly.
“Uh, I don’t know, maybe skinny,” he stuttered.
“She don’t look too sick or skinny to me,” a third
boy said, “but how can you be sure with all those clothes
“I’ll check.” The voice came from behind me as
an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand reached up
under my shirt.
I gasped and struggled to move away. The guys on
either side of me each took an arm and held me tight. The
hand crept further up my shirt, searching for a prize. I
started to scream, but the hand around my waist moved
and clamped heavily over my mouth, muffling my
“You need to let her go. Now,” a smooth voice
said from my left.
I looked up and Allister stood tall and solid, his
perfect eyes so intense it sent a shiver down my back.
“If it isn’t the new pretty boy trying to be a hero,”
the boy holding me with his hand up my shirt growled in
my ear.
“I won’t tell you again. Let her go,” Allister
Two of the guys rushed Allister as he stood
motionless. It happened so quickly. One minute they
charged him and the next they lay on the ground, Allister
standing over them. I didn’t see him move.
The others flung me face first to the ground and
attacked Allister. I pushed myself off the ground and
looked up as Allister reached down and helped me to my
He smiled, his eyes filled with assurance. “Are
you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, fine,” I whispered.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone.”
“I’m not, you’re with me.”
“I shouldn’t be with you after what’s happened,”
he said, his smile now gone.
“What?” Crap, he knew. He knew about those
people in my dreams. My heart raced and I began to
“You had better get back inside,” he suggested.
“Wait, I can explain,” I pleaded, taking a step
towards him as he turned to leave. I stumbled and he
spun, catching me in his arms.
He stared into my eyes. His were so deep and
clear I could see my reflection. He leaned closer, his
breath against my face.
I don’t know why, but I felt the urge to kiss him,
leaning in, forgetting everything but the need to kiss him.
His lips brushed mine, their soft skin caressing me softly.
The connection drew me in as my lips parted and yearned
for more. I gasped as he suddenly pulled away.
The doors burst open and the three amigos rushed
He gave me a smile, turned, and disappeared into
the darkness.
“Oh my God, Britt,” Elisa cried. “This is where
you’ve been hiding? What happened to these guys?” She
added looking at the unconscious boys scattered around
“They tried to get to know me better and Allister
stopped them,” I said.
“Making out with Mr. Gorgeous,” Cassie
“You should have told us where you were going.”
Trish was not pleased. “Grand Rapids might be small, but
not everyone is nice.” She looked down at the boys
beginning to stir, giving the one nearest her a little kick in
the side.
“Sorry, I didn’t plan it that way,” I tried to
“Too late now.” Trish crossed her arms, giving me
an angry look. “So tell us all about it.” She grinned
suddenly, sending me stumbling with a hip check. “Is he
a good kisser?”
“I only have Jimmy Reynolds in the fourth grade
to compare him to,” I reminded her. “It wasn’t actually a
kiss, but close.” I shrugged.
“Sleepover at my house,” Elisa cried and we
nodded our agreement. “I want every detail.” She took
me by the arm, gave the boys on the ground one last
glance, and pulled me into the dance. Trish and Cassie
followed close behind.
We danced every dance together, Carl and Tommy
joining in, until Jeb ended the night with a song dedicated
to Trish. Trish blushed and stood swaying in front of the
stage the entire

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