Lucky Love

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Book: Lucky Love by Nicola Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Marsh
after tidying client files for hand-over, cleaning out my desk and paying a visit to Amanda to tender my resignation.
    She’d ranted and raved until I told her Cameron Lovell was single again. It softened the blow of losing her number one coordinator. My label, not hers.
    I’d also managed to call the real estate agent to terminate my rental agreement, book a ticket to LA, update my cell to global roaming and investigate the possibility of a green-card.
    Yeah, I wasn’t heading to Love for a vacation. I was ready to hang around, see what happened, have a little adventure.
    My cell rang as I pulled a pair of ratty suitcases from the closet. Nat’s number scrolled across the screen.
    “About bloody time you got back to me,” I said, forgoing a greeting. Memories of Lachlan the Lech and his association with my best friend did that to a girl.
    “Sorry, been manic today.”
    “Or avoiding my calls more like it, after that stunt you pulled last night.”
    Nat sighed, her exasperation audible. “Those find-a-date dinners work. Lachlan said loads of people pair up—”
    “And that’s another thing. What’s going on with you and that creep?”
    Nat’s hesitation spoke volumes. “Nothing.”
    I hate being lied to. Guys did enough of it; I didn’t need my BFF joining the party.
    “Is he the one you flirt with?”
    Another hesitation, before Nat blurted, “It’s harmless.”
    “He’s a jerk,” I said, surprised I needed to have this conversation. Nat was smart, super smart. Why would she waste her time with Lachlan? “What are you doing ?”
    I heard Nat inhale and exhale a few times before answering. “You don’t know what it’s like.”
    The eerie flatness in her tone scared me.
    “Know what?”
    “I’ve lived with Marlon for seven years. I love him but…”
    I knew I wouldn’t like what came next.
    “But I’m not in love with him.”
    “It’s hard, Jaz, living with someone. Putting up with their faults. Their annoying habits. The disagreements. And the boredom,” Nat said, her words tumbling over each other in a rush to escape. “Don’t get me wrong, we’re good together, but it’s monotonous after a while. Even the sex is routine—”
    “La, la, la,” I said, not wanting to go there.
    “Lachlan makes me feel…sexy.” Nat sighed. “I’d never cheat but for a few seconds a day, when we bump into each other at work, I feel like a woman who’s wanted again.”
    My anger faded, replaced by sadness. I thought Nat and Marlon had the perfect relationship but is this what I had to look forward to if I ever met the right guy? Love fading to like? Flirting with colleagues? Routine sex? Not great incentive.
    “Just be careful, hon. Lachlan’s a sleaze and he strikes me as the type to take advantage if you were both tipsy at Christmas break-up.”
    “I’m not that silly,” Nat said, but a small part of me wondered if she was.
    I knew better than anyone what it was like to preen under the attention of a guy. Agreeing to go out with James had been a classic example. Man drought brought out the worst in me. Maybe a lack of fireworks did the same to Nat?
    “So last night was a bust?”
    I didn’t know if Nat was trying to change the subject or was genuinely interested.
    “Yeah, but I have news.”
    “What is it?”
    “I quit my job, I’ve given up my lease and I’m heading to Love.”
    Silence, before Nat let out a squeal. “Seriously?”
    “Yep.” I glanced at the suitcases standing sentinel beside my bed. “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Icebergs at midday?”
    The Bondi institution was Nat’s favorite place to catch up and I deliberately chose it to soften the blow of my impending departure.
    “I can’t believe it,” Nat said, her voice clogged, and I knew our goodbye in a few weeks would be the pits. “You’re leaving? For how long?”
    “No idea.”
    And that was the adventurous part I was looking forward to the most. I’d never done anything

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