He Stole Her Virginity

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Book: He Stole Her Virginity by Chloe Shakespeare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Shakespeare
there. She reached over to Rachel, took hold of both of her hands and said, “Where would I be without you? You have helped me get through this ever since my breakdown five years ago. And before that, for as long as I can remember, you were always there for me. In all the years we have known each other I don’t think I have ever said how grateful I am or how much you mean to me.” Rachel smiled and said quite simply, “You mean a lot to me too.” With that they finished their coffee and made their way back to Amsterdam.


    Amsterdam: Part 1
    Everything became clear:
    For the rest of the day Kevin was barely mentioned, instead they enjoyed doing a bit of sightseeing, they had a meal in an Italian restaurant, a drink in the bar of their hotel, they each had a bath and then they washed and dried each other’s hair. Rachel had hers done first.
    The last time Emma had her hair washed and dried by anyone other than herself was when her mother did it when she was just ten or eleven years old.
    For more than ten minutes and wearing only a towel, Emma knelt on the floor with her head over the bath while Rachel went to work on her hair. Almost immediately, the brief unrecognisable feelings Emma had when Rachel hugged her in the hotel bedroom in St Albans were there again, only this time they were much stronger. She closed her eyes and revelled in the pleasure of them and didn’t want them to end. Then, as she sat on the small bedroom chair to have her hair dried, the feelings intensified. Rachel said very little during the washing and drying of Emma’s hair but she too was finding the experience pleasurable just as she had done half an hour earlier when hers was being done. Wearing only thin pyjamas and facing Emma, Rachel stood astride Emma’s left leg to dry the front of her hair and as she did so their legs brushed against each other numerous times causing Emma to have little ripples of pleasure. Rachel’s pyjama top was quite loose and every time she bent down slightly Emma could see her breasts and though she didn’t understand why, she was excited by it. After a while Rachel went behind her to dry the back of her hair and she could sense how close her body was to hers and it pleased her.
    Her mind, her emotions and her body reacted as if she was becoming sexually aroused and yet this was Rachel, her friend and another girl.
    For the rest of the evening many of the feelings stayed with her and like the last time when in St Albans she felt warm and comfortable inside but wasn’t sure what it was or what it all meant.
    Emma and Rachel had been together since they were four years old and in different ways had always depended on each other. Even so and after all their years together, they still didn’t quite recognise that Emma was the only person who could fill the enormous gap in Rachel’s life and Rachel was the only person who could lead Emma to happier days.
    That night before they went to bed Emma put her arms around Rachel then hugged her tightly and once again said thank you. Rachel kissed Emma on her cheek and said tenderly, “I love you.” They both went to bed happy.
    A little puzzled, Emma lay in bed for quite some time thinking about the new feelings she was having, but instinct told her Rachel was at the centre of them and the more she thought about things the more excited she became. As she lay there in bed she knew by Rachel’s gentle and almost silent breathing that she was fast asleep. She looked across and in the watery moonlight that bathed their room she gazed affectionately upon her face. Then, as everything became much clearer in her mind, without uttering a single sound she mouthed the words, “I love you too,” and wished she could put her arms around her and lie with her.


    Amsterdam: Part 2
    Like teenage girls:
    The next morning they were out early and spent the whole day in Amsterdam doing some more sightseeing and a little shopping. Emma

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