Vampires 101 (Twilight Hunters Book 1) A Vampire Romance

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Book: Vampires 101 (Twilight Hunters Book 1) A Vampire Romance by Lorraine Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Kennedy
Anunnaki, would consume blood in the belief that they would absorb that person’s life essence, which would give them immortality. Strangely enough, many other ancient cultures also had blood sacrifices to their gods. In fact, the gods of these different cultures had a number of similarities, and could easily be the same deities. The first vampire cults worshiped these gods.
    “So I think we know who they are now,” Shadow pushed back from the computer.
    I wasn’t ready to go there yet. “I don’t believe in any god … except for the one and only God with a capitol G.”
    “I hate to burst your bubble Cassie, but if these beings were real, they obviously had some pretty hefty duty powers. You know, something like what you witnessed last night.”
    “Still … the real God is a supernatural being that doesn’t need to drink blood.”
    Shadow rolled her eyes. “You are seriously thick headed sometimes. I am not saying that they are gods, in the sense of the God,” she said, pointing upward. “I am saying that they could have been real. And in that case, they’re probably still around. Most likely this Damian guy is one of them.”
    So now we had moved from him being a mere vampire to a god. Somehow I didn’t really find the idea encouraging. I already felt like he was way out of my league. Putting the god label on him did nothing for my self-confidence.
    “Look at this,” Shadow pointed to one of the articles we’d printed out. “It says that all royalty descend from these gods, and that they also messed with the DNA of Homo Sapiens in order to speed up their evolution. If they can do all that, I bet they can cure this disease … considering they probably created it in the first place.”
    Logic had to find its way into my head sometime. It just so happened that it chose that moment to do it. “So … even if they are real, and they can cure the disease … what are you going to do if it just makes you dead, instead of undead?”
    She shrugged. “I’ll cross that road when I get to it.”
    “So we have a theory … now what?” I asked.
    “Well I guess we talk to someone that can give us a little more information. Like the guy that wrote this article,” she said, pointing to a name at the bottom of the page. “It looks like he’s in Salt Lake. That’s not far from here,” she added.
    Well talking to the guy was probably harmless enough. After all, just like Shadow, I wanted to find them too, but for a different reason. If I could find him, I just might be able to talk him into another kiss. Just the memory of his kiss was enough to get the attention of certain female body parts.
    Given that he didn’t want me to trick him into showing himself again, he was leaving me no choice but to hunt him down. So it would seem that our first step in hunting down these mega powerful vampires was to talk to Mr. Sean Taft, history scholar and all around expert on paranormal creatures.
    Sounded like a good plan to me, but given that it was 2:00 in the morning, and that the guy was almost certainly snoozing away, it would probably have to wait for another time.

Chapter Six
    The persistent tapping that was making its way into my head, served as an unpleasant reminder of how Riley so rudely woke me the morning before. My thoughts were just coherent enough to wonder if I had ended up in my car again. That would totally piss me off, especially if Riley was waking me up again. This time he’d tell Dad for sure.
    Forcing one eye open, I was immensely relieved to see I was still in my bed, and that it was still dark. I needed at least another couple hours sleep. Now if that annoying tapping would stop.
    Where was it coming from anyway?
    Pushing up into a sitting position, I looked around the room, hoping to find the source of my torture. The guilty party was my closet door, which was banging against the wall as it swung back and forth.
    Since I was half asleep, I didn’t bother wondering why the

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