The Death Row Complex

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Book: The Death Row Complex by Kristen Elise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Elise
custody was granted; there was no alimony and little child support. The ex-husband, a Navy Corpsman, was not well to do either.
    But there was also another thick section of the legal file. There was a lengthy criminal trial involving a man named Lawrence Naden.

    In 2007, Lawrence Naden was captured in a Baja California crack house, a rush of heroin flooding his bloodstream as the federales closed in. Hours later, Naden was in jail.
    That morning, fifteen miles across the border, an answering machine clicked mechanically after the fourth ring of the telephone. “Hello, you’ve reached the Stone residence,” a woman’s voice said. “Please leave a message after the beep.”
    “Hello Mrs. Stone,” the caller began. “This is Detective Martinez of the SDPD. I have some good news for you. Lawrence Naden was caught this morning in Ensenada. He is being extradited from Mexico and sent to the San Quentin State Correctional Facility. He will be tried here in the United States.”
    The caller paused briefly and then continued. “While I’m sure it is little consolation, you can probably be confident that Naden will be convicted and will never be able to terrorize another family again. The case against him is very strong. Please call me if you have any questions. You have my card. I will keep you informed of the details as they develop… ”
    As the last sentences rang through the empty living room, the front door opened and a woman raced to the phone. A small child followed her into the house. Except for her hair—short and blond, rather than long and auburn—the woman resembled a slightly older version of Katrina Stone almost eerily. She hastily picked up the receiver. “Hello?”
    The woman was answered by the dial tone.
    “Shit,” she said under her breath.
    “You’re not ‘apposed to say that,” said the small child at her side.
    The woman smiled softly. “I know, sorry kiddo. Listen, Lexi, why don’t you go play in your room for a few minutes. I need to talk to your mommy. I’ll come in and play with you when we’re done though.” She leaned over to kiss the girl’s forehead.
    Alexis trotted off to her room as she was told.
    After she heard the bedroom door close, Kathy played back the message on the machine. She began to cry softly while it was playing. When the message was over, she pressed the “erase” button and went into the bathroom to collect herself.
    Afterward, she walked to the master bedroom and softly knocked. There was no response. She partially opened the door and poked her head in. Then she opened it all the way and entered the room.
    Katrina was lying on the bed, facing the opposite wall. She didn’t turn over.
    Kathy sat down on the bed and began to gently rub her sister’s lower back. “Trina,” she said quietly, “the police called. They caught him.”
    There was no response.
    The older woman sat in silence for a few moments, continuing to rub Katrina’s back. “Trina,” she said again, “I need to talk to you. Please look at me.”
    Katrina still did not roll over.
    “You’re my only sister, and you know I love you and I’d do anything I can for you. But I have to go home soon. I’m going to lose my job.” She paused for several moments before adding, “And Tom is seeking full custody.”
    Katrina finally rolled over and looked at her sister. “What?”
    She had lost a noticeable amount of weight over the last two months, and her face looked pale and sallow.
    “Look, I know he’s a bastard and doesn’t even deserve the right… ” Kathy stopped as her voice began to catch. Then she cleared her throat and continued authoritatively, “You have to go to court. You have to be able to prove you can take care of yourself. He’s marrying that home-wrecking whore, which—believe it or not—will demonstrate parental stability to the court. I know, it’s backward, unfair, and basically ridiculous, but that’s how it is.”
    She was interrupted by the

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