The Good Girls

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Book: The Good Girls by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Mummert
and closed it behind her. Her face was flawless, even without any makeup, and she was grinning from ear to ear. “How is it you are not suffering as much as I am?” How can you look so beautiful so effortlessly?
    “I made sure to hydrate throughout the night,” she chirped as she held out the bottle and two small aspirin.
    “Ugh. I hate you right now.” I groaned but took the pills, dropping them into my mouth before guzzling the water.
    “Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. I’ll make you some scrambled eggs, and you’ll feel better in no time.”
    I pulled my quilt over my head, knowing I must look like I just crawled out of a sewer. “Go away, Cara.” The image of her mouth pressed against mine played over in my head. Now that we’re both sober, does she regret what happened? Does she even remember?
    The blanket was yanked off, and I curled up, trying to hide my nearly naked body. “Get your lazy little ass up and come downstairs. I’m going to cook eggs, and you’re going to tell me what you think of Brody.”
    “I don’t think we can be friends anymore.”
    Cara rolled her eyes, her hands on her hips, and she groaned loudly. “Too bad you don’t have a choice.” She wrapped her fingers around my ankle and began to drag me down to the foot of the bed. I clawed desperately at my pillow, hugging it to my chest in hopes it would break my fall when I hit the floor.
    “Cara, I’m going to kick you,” I called out, but my voice wavered as I struggled not to laugh.
    “Bring it,” she yelled as she jerked me again and clawed at my blanket.
    “What the hell is going on in here?”
    Both of our heads snapped to my father, who was standing in my doorway with a look of disapproval.
    “I was just trying to get El out of bed,” Cara replied, and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing at how innocent she was trying to appear.
    “I’m sure there are more effective methods than assault.”
    “But none more fun,” she shot back with her eyebrow cocked.
    “Get downstairs for breakfast. Now .” My dad shook his head and disappeared down the hall, muttering to himself. As soon as I heard his footsteps began to descend the stairs, I took my pillow and swung, smacking Cara across the face.
    “Oh, now I’m going to have to kick your ass,” Cara yelled as my father’s voice bellowed from the floor below.
    “Girls! Come down for breakfast.” I was shocked by the anger in his voice.
    Cara’s shoulders slumped as I rolled out of bed and pulled on my jeans.
    “Payback is coming,” she threatened, her finger pointed at my nose as I walked around her, sticking out my tongue. Her eyes dropped to my mouth and for a second I was certain she was thinking of our kiss.
    I followed her downstairs, unable to wipe the stupid grin from my face, even though my body ached.
    Dawn was standing in front of the stove in a fluffy yellow robe, spatula in hand. My dad poured himself a cup of coffee in a plastic to-go cup.
    “I’m off.” He kissed Dawn on the cheek as she called out for him to drive safely. He nodded to me and Cara as he stalked off toward the front door.
    “What’s with him?” I asked as I sat down at the table.
    “Oh, you know your father,” Dawn said before we all fell silent.
    “Actually, I don’t.”
    “Oh, honey. I didn’t mean…” She turned to face us as she cringed.
    “It’s fine. It will take some time,” I replied, and she seemed to relax. She turned back to the stove, dished scrambled eggs onto our plates, and set them on the table in front of us.
    “Thanks.” I took a large bite as Dawn made her way to the stairs.
    “I have to get ready for work. You girls be good today.” Her eyes landed on Cara for an extra minute, and I couldn’t suppress my smile. Why was everyone so concerned with Cara’s behavior?
    “What are you laughing at?” Cara asked as I took another bite. “Just eat your dead baby chicken.”
    I placed my hand over my mouth as my stomach turned.

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