Carter's Treasure
trailer. Carter’s hand was on her thigh, lightly stroking her skin with his thumb as she drank her protein shake and happily chatted with him. She sneaked a look over at the man sitting so close. She could feel the heat radiating off his body and her heart skipped a beat—again. She might have to look into getting a medical device to keep it regulated, because, hot damn, the man was killing her.
    Brody came trudging up from the motorhome and pulled up a chair beside them with Erin following close behind. “How in the hell can you drink that shit?” Brody said as he plopped down into the chair.
    Well, apparently Brody was going for round two. Molly had seen him make an ass out of himself around guys before and it never bothered her. And if she had to be honest with herself, she was always thankful he ran interference for her. This time he was taking things to a whole new level. Somewhere along the way, he’d bypassed crazy on his way to flat out insane.
    “Geez. Good morning to you, too. What?” Molly held up her bottle. “This tastes good. I really like the chocolate. The vanilla is nasty, but this one tastes fine.”
    Popping the tab on his energy drink, Brody took a drink. “And you argue with me all the time on the modeling contracts.”
    Damn. He’s just trying to start something . Molly blew out a breath, taking her bangs with it. “That’s because I’m no model,” she said through gritted teeth.
    “Yeah, well, working out two to three hours a day and drinking that crap and living off that nasty grass shit you pass off as salad is what makes you a photographer’s wet dream.”
    “Damn it, Brody,” she said in almost a snarl. “Don’t be so damn crude. That’s gross. Why do you always say that?” She took in the scowl and tempted the fates above. “Did you not sleep well or something? What’s wrong with you this morning?”
    Brody almost growled. “Bite me.”
    “That’s my line.”
    Erin stood back up and held out a hand for Brody. “You want to go walk around for a little bit?”
    Oh thank God . At least Erin was going to get him out of there. Molly smiled at her in appreciation. Erin rolled her eyes and shrugged. Molly knew that Erin thought Brody was out of line and was doing everything to help. She mouthed It’s okay, and winked as she pulled Brody’s arm, trying to tug him out of the chair.
    “You sure you feel up to it?” Brody asked Erin as he looked up at her.
    “Yeah, I just need some fresh air.”
    Brody eyed Carter and Molly still sitting at the table. “You two stay out of trouble. That’s the last thing I need.”
    They started to walk away and Molly hollered after them, “Hey, Dad, I’m not fifteen anymore.”
    Erin turned back around to smile. “That’s exactly what he’s afraid of.”
    When they disappeared around the corner, Molly lowered her head to her hands. She waited a few seconds before running her hand through her hair and turning to see the lop-sided grin of Carter beside her. He had no anger, no embarrassment. He seemed to be taking this all in stride.
    “I’m sorry, Carter. I really am.”
    “Don’t apologize, Molly. It’s not a big deal, I understand.”
    “You shouldn’t have to understand. That’s my point. You shouldn’t have to put up this.”
    “So, when are you practicing today?” Great. A subject change. Completely new to this guy thing, she couldn’t help but wonder what that meant. “George told me three.”
    “The guys and I are going to come watch, if that’s okay?”
    “Yeah, no biggie.”
    “So, modeling huh?”
    Molly rolled her eyes but stayed silent. She loved being on a bike, but she knew her skills, like her beauty, were fleeting. Someday she’d wake up and she would be the has been . Not a comforting feeling, but a real one nonetheless. In the meantime, she did the exhibitions and modeling to cash in on her name. She didn’t need the money now, so she tucked every penny away for the future. She hated the modeling,

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