Blood Debt (Touched Series Book 1)

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Book: Blood Debt (Touched Series Book 1) by Nancy Straight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Straight
time.  Conversation revolved around Bruce’s wedding , although I hadn’t seen Hannah, nor had she called.  It seemed a little strange.  The few friends of mine who had gotten married were all over each other in the days before the wedding, working out seating details, vows, synchronizing last minute schedules .  Saturday morning had come and gone and still no sign of the bride. 
    By mid-afternoon Saturday, Bruce was in exceptionally high spirits.  I didn’t detect even a hint of nervousness.  The backyard had been transformed into a beautiful outdoor cathedral with seating for easily two hundred people. 
    The brother who I had spent the least amount of time with was the eldest , Beau.  I caught Beau straightening seating and smoothing ribbons that had been rearranged by the breeze.  Outdoor misting fans were going full throttle , so the grove where the ceremony was to take place was at least ten degrees cooler than the regular air temperature.  “Hi, Beau, do you need any help?”
    Beau flinched, “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were out here , Camille.  No, just doing a last minute check before the guests start to arrive.  Shouldn’t you be inside getting ready?”
    “Naw, it’s a couple hours before the big event .  I just need to get dressed and I’m ready.”
    “I’m surprised Mom hasn’t had you primping and polishing since your eyes opened this morning.”
    “Why would she ?  I t’s not like I’m getting married.  I’m not in the ceremony .  Nobody knows who I am , and you guys know what I look like.”
    “But there’ll be fifty eligible bachelors here today, maybe more.  I’ve heard news spread pretty fast that you were here.  It’ll be your first chance to . . . you know . . . find someone.”
    “ Oh c’mon Beau .  W ho would care that I’m here?”
    “Uh, let’s see, the Hinmans, the Dixons, the Newtons, the Carltons , the Ivys , just to name a few.  Each of those families has an older son who is nearing the end of betrothal age.  No one expected for us to have a ready-made sister of age.  You’ll be pretty popular this evening.”
    “You’re not serious.”
    “I’m completely serious.  I’m in the same boat .  Betrothal age for Centaurs is 18-30, so if I’m not picked in the next two years, I’ ll end up settling for a human.”
    “Beau, you’re great .  T here are lots of women who would be happy to have you.”
    “Thanks, Camille.  Don’t get me wrong .  A t this point I’m thinking the settling factor could be an improvement over perpetually waiting .  I t just sucks that I won’t be able to carry on our blood line .  At least Bruce will be able to.”
    “Maybe because I didn’t grow up knowing any of this, it’s a little hard to take it seriously.  I think you love who you love ; race shouldn’t be a factor.”
    “That’s very ‘human’ of you, but this is more than just about race.  There is magic in our blood , Camille.  To let it dilute unnecessarily is akin to wasting the magic.   Dad would never let you consider a non-Centaur as a suitor.”
    “Will doesn’t have a say in my decision.  When I find the right guy, it won’t matter wh o or what he is.  I’m not racing a clock either .  I t’ll happen when it happens.”
    Beau laughed out loud, a loud throaty snicker, “Camille, you have a lot to learn.”  Beau shook his head and went back to straightening the wedding decorations.
    Brent came up behind me, “What’s so funny?”
    Beau looked at his younger brother, “Oh nothing .  Camille just tells good jokes.”
    A little miffed that Beau would so easily dismiss my feelings, “Beau seems to think that Will can select a husband for me .  I told him that wasn’t going to happen , and who I fell in love with and married had nothing to do with Centaur roots or anything else.”
    Brent took my forearm, squeez ing it a little harder than necessary but enough that he had my attention, “Don’t say that ,

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