Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time

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Book: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time by Mickey Erlach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mickey Erlach
body with force. When Noah ’ s clothes (even his socks) were on the front seat , Mike spread his strong legs , and Noah slowly unfastened Mike ’ s jeans and pulled down the zipper. He fumbled for a moment, until he reached through Mike ’ s loose boxer shorts for the thick, hard cock. He leaned over and gently slipped it into his warm mouth while Mike moaned and felt up Noah ’ s bare ass with his coarse hand. It was a good dick to suck – really hard, extra thick and always tasted tangy because Mike hadn ’ t showered since the early morning.
    That night, as usual, Noah sucked and slurped the big thing until his jaw hurt, and when it was just about ready to shoot a load Mike pulled out and slipped on a lubricated condom. He stretched his legs and Noah slowly climbed up on his lap. He pressed his hands on Mike ’ s chest for support, straddled the thick, familiar dick and then lowered himself onto it until he could feel the hard denim fabric of Mike ’ s jeans against his smooth ass cheeks. While Mike ’ s hands were firmly positioned on his waist, Noah arched his back, folded his hands at the back of his neck and began to ride. A couple of guys passing by on foot stopped to watch. Though a bit creepy (and never mentioned aloud) both Mike and Noah silently enjoyed putting on a show for the other guys who circled the rest stop on foot; they even slowed down to let the guys watch Mike ’ s cock slowly going in and out of Noah ’ s hole.
    Mike enjoyed Noah on his lap, but he preferred to climax on top. So eventually Noah slid off the dick, went flat on his back and put his legs over Mike ’ s shoulders.
    Mike, who could fuck like a bull, banged away to the finish while Noah moaned and begged for more, jerking his own cock , so they ’ d both come at the same time.
    When the fucking was over, Mike ’ s eyebrows creased as he tossed the used condom out the back window and shoved his cock back into his jeans. Noah slowly bent over the front seat to gather his clothes, so Mike could gently slap his bare ass. With a turned down mouth Mike said, as he always did, “ Thanks, baby, gotta go home now. ”
    But for some strange reason Noah didn ’ t reply, “ See you next week, ” as he usually did. And he didn ’ t bend over to gently kiss Mike ’ s crotch goodbye either. Actually, Noah didn ’ t even bother to get dressed. He just grabbed his shoes and clothes in a heap, pressed them against his stomach and got out of the car totally naked while five guys watched in the shadows.
    Mike ’ s eyes popped , and he climbed to the front seat and lowered the window. “ What are you doing? ”
    “ I ’ m changing my life, ” Noah answered, as he tossed his clothes into the front passenger side of his car and casually walked around to the driver ’ s side, still naked. There were red marks on his smooth ass, revealing paw marks that he ’ d just been nailed by Mike.
    Mike opened the car door and jumped out, ignoring the small audience of voyeurs in the darkness. He reached Noah ’ s car and blocked the driver ’ s door. “ What ’ s wrong? ”
    “ Mike, I ’ m standing here totally naked, at least let me get into the car, ” said Noah.
    “ Not until you tell me what ’ s going on, ” said Mike. He wrapped his strong arms around Noah ’ s body, resting his large hands on Noah ’ s ass.
    Noah sighed. In Mike ’ s arms he ’ d always been safe. He reached up, wrapped his arms around Mike ’ s wide neck and rested his cheek against Mike ’ s chest. He spread his legs and arched his back, hoping Mike would start to squeeze and feel up his ass again.
    “ Will I see you again next weekend? ” Mike asked, as he began to play with Noah ’ s ass cheeks as though he were kneading bread dough. “ C ’ mon baby, talk to me. ”
    Noah frowned. “ No. You probably won ’ t see me again. I ’ m moving to New York ; been thinking about it for a while. And I don ’ t want this to be dramatic; we both knew it

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