Bought by the Billionaire Brothers

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Book: Bought by the Billionaire Brothers by Alexx Andria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexx Andria
wasn’t that she…okay, so she was still the Big V. Her father had always told her to guard her “treasure ” as he’d blushingly put it during that excruciatingly embarrassing conversation about the birds and the bees when she’d been fifteen and thus far, she’d guarded her treasure so well, no one had been able to find it much less steal it.
    Was she complete and utter trash that her curiosity about sex had turned into a raging obsession? She longed to know why people were willing to sacrifice their dignity or their marriages — even their livelihood! — for sex. Once, she’d touched herself down there but even as it had been pleasurable, afterwards she’d been swamped by feelings of shame and humiliation for being so wanton as to give into the curiosity about something that ought to be saved for marriage.
    But truthfully, even as she hoped to find a man to give her treasure , she knew with a certainty, the man who plucked her cherry would likely not look like Vince or Nolan Buchanan.
    Her gaze strayed to Gilbert, another accountant in their department. The man was nice enough with a pleasant smile but his hands were a bit knobbish, which suited his thin frame, she supposed, and he was most certainly going bald, even though he tried to hide it (unsuccessfully) with a comb-over. To compound matters, Gilbert had asked her out on a date that she hadn’t agreed to yet but she knew she probably would . She withheld a sigh. Likely, a man like Gilbert would be the one to discover what was hidden beneath her boring beige panties. It wasn’t that she was hung up on appearances as such, but she wanted passion and wild debauchery at some level in her love life and she knew without looking too hard, that Gilbert wasn’t the wild man she sought.
    Suddenly, Nolan’s door opened and the blonde walked out, her eyes were wet and she was storming from the building as if her ass was on fire.
    Penny averted her eyes and pretended to focus on her work but her mind was conjuring all kinds of scenarios that were far more interesting than the balance sheets she was supposed to be formulating. Nolan must’ve ended it with Beautiful Blonde . Not surprising, Penny thought, speculating. Nolan seemed to have an issue with commitment. The bevy of beauties came and went but never stayed. She straightened as Nolan appeared at the door, his gaze following the angry blonde as if contemplating chasing after her. But as Penny watched, holding her breath at the mini drama, she was secretly relieved when he simply watched her go. Nolan’s gaze tangled with Penny ’s and the breath she’d been holding evaporated as her lungs simply ceased to work. Nolan was… electric .  That was the only word to describe him. He was different from Vince in that he was a dirty blond e but he had that same intensity as his brother that made Penny weak in the knees every time. She may have made a short squeak of alarm at being caught so brazenly staring at him because Nolan’s stare narrowed before returning to his office and closing the door. Penny gasped in dismay. How stupid of her to openly stare at her boss like that. Had she made him uncomfortable? Had she appeared weird? Probably no weirder than when Vince had tried to talk with her and she’d babbled like a talking monkey. She dropped her head into her hands and groaned. Why couldn’t she just find a nice, normal boyfriend to keep her thoughts occupied so she could stop caring so much about the Buchanan brothers and their various escapades? She dragged her pile of spreadsheets toward her with a miserable frown and resigned herself to working late and putting the Buchanans out of her head for the night.
    That Saturday, Penny found herself summoned to the Buchanans’ on an urgent errand by her supervisor. The summons itself wasn’t shocking, as George was always using Penny as his personal assistant in a blatant abuse of power, but when George admitted that Vince had asked for her specifically,

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