Satan's Sword (Imp Book 2)

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Book: Satan's Sword (Imp Book 2) by Debra Dunbar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Dunbar
energy merge into whiteness and shuddered with the intensity of it. The process gained in speed as we rushed and swirled toward each other. Finally, there was a click of resolution and we existed as one, a translucent white, suspended between our bodies. We held there for what seemed an eternity, and then slowly bled back into our individual colors and our physical forms. Awareness returned to me and I realized that somehow we had shifted positions and I lay on top of Gregory like an overcooked noodle.
    “Are you okay?” he asked after a few moments. He sounded like he was struggling to speak. Or maybe I just couldn’t hear very well yet.
    I was more than okay. This was the most amazing thing ever. Life altering. World shattering. Amazing. I’d never done anything like that before, hadn’t realized anything like that was even possible. I was afraid to move and break the spell.
    “No bones,” I slurred. “Bones are gone. Can’t move.”
    That seemed to alarm him, and he forced himself to move so he could grip my arms and chest. “I feel bones. You seem to have them. What’s wrong with them? Why won’t they work?”
    “Metaphor.” My speech was still a bit garbled. “That was epic. Can we do it again? But not now. I can’t do it again right now. I need a nap first. And a roast beef sandwich. A nap and a sandwich.”
    “No, we can’t do it again.” Gregory’s voice was stern. “We can never do it again.”
    I wanted to reply, but all I could do was lay there on him and try to regain some control over my physical form. What the fuck had we done? It was a perfect rush of sensation that had nothing to do with organic matter. Like a moment of existence without the flesh, but without death, held together and joined with another.
    I moved a bit, beginning to regain feeling in my limbs again.
    “Is the brand still so sensitive?” Gregory asked. “Did I fix it at all?”
    “No way I’m going to touch it right now. Give me a few moments to come back to earth, and I’ll see how it goes.” I rolled off him and shakily got to my feet. I had to put a hand on the tipped over sofa to steady myself.
    The angel propped himself up on his elbows and looked around at the wreckage. He looked incredibly human at the moment with his hair mussed and his skin a more flesh-like texture. His teeth were no longer pointy, and the black that filled his eyes was slowly receding into his irises again. He was beautiful. Like this, or with the pointy teeth and black filled eyes, he was beautiful. I caught my breath as I felt my personal energy stir again and a warmth run through me. So much for the nap and roast beef sandwich. I was ready to go for round two.
    Gregory got up and righted the huge sectional sofa with one hand, pushing it easily back into its original spot. With that done, he walked over and began plucking knives out of my barstool cushions, placing them in the sink. I followed and began picking up spoons and spatulas from around the room.
    “I’m sorry about these ripped cushions, and your cabinets, too.” He glanced at the one he’d put his fist through.
    “No you’re not.” I laughed. “Admit it; you enjoyed tearing up my house.”
    Imagine my surprise when he smiled. Smiled. All the way. Even his eyes smiled. It was devastating. He could rule the universe with that smile. He certainly could rule me with that smile. If he did that more often, he would be unstoppable.
    “Okay. It was especially fun putting my fist in that cabinet there. You should have seen your face, little cockroach.” The smile got bigger. I was a goner. I needed to change the subject right now before I threw myself at him like a concert groupie.
    “I’ve wanted to show you this. Watch.” I walked around the counter and turned on the sink faucet, then gathered together a globe of water.
    “Very nice, little cockroach,” Gregory said as I held the globe above the sink. “Can you freeze it? Vaporize it?”
    “Not yet,” I

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