Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life
about inflammation, you may automatically think of conditions like joint pain—most notably arthritis—which can involve swelling that you can often see. However, while swelling can be a symptom of inflammation, inflammation itself is actually the body’s response to infection or other threats, which it deals with through the production of white blood cells and other substances.
    In many cases, this inflammation is invisible to you, because it’s occurring inside the body—but that doesn’t mean it’s any less harmful than the kind you can see. In fact, just about all of the modern diseases that plague us today are caused, at least in part, by inflammation, including bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even depression. The good news is that when you follow a diet that aligns with your Personal Paleo Code, you naturally reduce the risk of inflammation and protect yourself from related illness.
    The Thirty-Day Reset Diet can be a big adjustment, but it offers big rewards! I hope you’ll be inspired by these reports from people who took the plunge:
    •   “My acid reflux went away after one week and my knee stopped swelling after two weeks. Imagine jumping into a time machine and traveling back in time twenty years! Imagine fitting into the clothes you wore when you were twenty-five years old! Imagine shocking your doctor and watching his double take when he reviews your new blood work! I am fifty-one years old and I feel as if I was thirty years old again.”
    •   “No more hemorrhoids, no more pimples, no more dry skin, no more acidity in my mouth, no more farting, more energy. No post-lunch fatigue, better sleep, less sugar cravings.”
    •   “After about a week, I started noticing moles that were raised were now flat as a pancake and starting to disappear. I stayed with it for forty-five days just because I was feeling so much better. Also dropped twelve pounds with no effort. What a difference. Leg cramping, that ‘heavy’ feeling, lethargic issues are all gone. Fingernails started to grow faster and stronger.”
    •   “On the fifth night, I started sleeping deeply for the first time in my life, I lost weight for the first time since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism three years ago and have maintained a thirty-pound weight loss. I have more energy than I have ever had before. Also my digestion is solid.”
    •   “Energy levels more even, tennis elbow inflammation disappeared, asthma improved, waistline shrunk. Definitely glad I stuck with it.”
    •   “There were a couple of days with the flu-ish feeling as my body adjusted to the lack of sugar and salt. Within days, though, my digestion was improved. Dropped twenty-five points on both sides of my blood pressure and dropped cholesterol from a starting 280 to 147 about six months later. I avoided statins and dropped my blood pressure meds that I’d been on for five years.”
    •   “I feel the best ever. No insulin anymore and no three big drugs for blood pressure.”
    •   “My blood chemistry improved greatly, especially my triglyceride count (from 378 to 45 in thirty days). I lost about fifteen pounds in the first month. I got my health back, and my family’s health back. Once you learn the truth about anything, diet included, you can never go back.”
    •   “After thirty days, my IBS was gone and acne cleared up. I had tons of energy at the gym and slept great.”
    •   “I kept wondering when the magic was going to happen, then digestion, sleep, energy, hunger, skin tone and weight all seemed to improve as quickly as if I had passed through a doorway. I am so glad I stuck with it. My mental and physical health have improved ten-fold. It is amazing how much your body can heal in only thirty days.”

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