rock bottom and you know there is
no option anymore, you are ready to throw out your old ways that
weren’t working and make immediate, necessary changes to achieve
your goal.
Life rewards action. Stop thinkin BOOKS,
g about losing weight and take
action. Now is the time to get out of your chair and into the game,
because life won’t wait around for you to make up your mind.
In the next chapter, you will make a plan for achieving your goals
and then, watch out world, you’re on a mission and no one can stop
50 | The 20/20 Diet
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requir INC.
es courage.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Setting the right goal in the right way is imperative. In The Ultimate Weight Solution , I talked about defining your “get-real weight,”
and I coined that term for two reaso BOOKS,
First, you have to get real about what is safe and achievable for
you. If you’re a six-foot-tall woman with broad, swimmer’s shoulders
and quadriceps thicker than most tree trunks and you want to weigh
125 pounds like all of your pint-sized friends, you would be setting an
unrealistic, unhealthy, and likely unachievable goal weight.
You also have to get real about your target weight from a psycho-
logical perspective. You can’t just pluck a number from thin air that
you want to see on the scale because you’ll set yourself right back on
the loopty loop y STREET
ou know all too well. Think about your relationship
with your body and set goals toward liking it, being proud of it,
accepting it for all of your God-given uniqueness, and treating it with
respect and love. You will experience a psychological shift in how you
feel about your body as you go through the steps in this program.
tch Your Transformation
People are posting selfies all over the Internet these days, but I’m asking you to take a selfie that is for your eyes only. We already know
how powerful it can be to look at the past, and we know you’ve got
to clearly envision all that lies ahead. Now let’s create markers to help you track your progress and pave your route.
Take a “before” photo of yourself when you start this plan, and
then take photos at the end of each week so that you can watch the
physical transformation occurring. You see yourself in the mirror
every day, which can make it easy to miss physical changes, so that’s
where the photos come in very handy for continued motiva INC.
Also, take some simple starting measurements. Stand up straight
and don’t suck in or push out your stomach; just keep it neutral. Don’t
flex your muscles either. You want to get an accurate, neutral reading
for all of these. As you progress through the plan, take the same mea-
surements and record them in the chart below to help you track your
progress and keep you motivated. You’ll likely notice an improvement
overall in muscle tone and your physical shape.
The point is not to obsess over these numbers. Again, these are
simply opportunities to gauge your pr BOOKS,
ogress and pat yourself on the
back as you feel pride over creating positive results.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Weight in pounds
Around waist at
belly button
Around low
er abdomen
(just above hips)
Around hips at
widest area
ound widest part
of upper arms
Around widest part
of thighs
52 | The 20/20 Diet
Waist Circumference Warning
Quite a bit of research has been done in the area of measuring
risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes, hyper-
tension, and coronary heart disease, and one very simple way to
determine your own risk is to look at your waist meas INC.
In general, if you are a woman and your waist circumfer-
ence is greater than 35 inches around, or if you’re a man and it’s
greater than 40 inches around, then you are at an increased risk
for serious