had never watched porn or checked the lowest porn-viewing-frequency category. More males than females indicated watching between a half and a full hour of porn during a typical week; and more males than females reported watching over an hour of porn per week. (Three participants indicated watching three or more hours of porn in a typical week. We did not meet these participants, but if we did we would not be enthusiastic about shaking hands.)
Men reported enjoying watching porn more than women (see table 3.2 ). This sex difference has been documented many times and should surprise no one. 16 As noted, porn is more appealing to men than women because it caters to aspects of sexuality that are more characteristic of males’ rather than females’ evolved sexual psychology. Additionally, women may find porn distasteful because, as our results show, women believe, more so than men, that porn is demeaning toward women (and, to a lesser degree, toward men) and promotes violence toward women (and, to a lesser degree, toward men). Women are also more upset than men that so many people watch porn, perhaps because they are more likely to consider their romantic partner’s watching of porn to be a form of betrayal. (To the extent that watching porn makes men believe that there are lots of women interested in having sex
with them
, and, thereby, lowers their commitment to their partner, women’s concerns of betrayal may not be baseless.) Men, on the other hand, have more relaxed attitudes about porn. They are more likely than women to think that society’s views toward porn are too negative. Importantly, both male and female participants believe that many people watch porn to learn new sexual techniques.
TABLE 3.3 Sex differences in perceptions of female porngasm and sexual pleasure
Most female porngasms are real.
Most female porngasms are fake.
At least some female porngasms are real.
Female porn stars enjoy the sex.
Female porn stars enjoy a high degree of pleasure.
Female porn stars enjoy their job.
Results depicted in table 3.3 are central to our primary hypothesis. Male and female participants alike disagree with the notion that most female porngasms are real and agree with the notion that most female porngasms are fake.This is good news. Minimally, we know that participants were not snoozing while they completed our survey. Moreover, imagine the gravity of the situation had there been widespread belief that most female porngasms are real!
Although we expected males to provide a significantly higher estimate than females, males estimated that, on average, 38 percent of female porngasms are real, and females estimated that, on average, 40 percent of female porngasms are real. However, as expected, men were more likely than women to believe that at least some female porngasms are real. Moreover, males were more likely than females to believe that female porn stars enjoy having intercourse and other sexual interactions within the context of a porn movie. Highlighting this point further, males were more likely than females to believe that female porn stars enjoy a
high degree
of sexual pleasure via their participation in making porn movies. Males were also more likely than women to believe that female porn stars enjoy their jobs!
Importantly, the
more time
people spend watching porn the
more likely
they were to believe that at least some female porngasms are real, female porn stars enjoy the sex they have within the making of porn movies, female porn stars enjoy a high degree of sexual pleasure from making porn movies, and female porn stars enjoy their job (see table 3.4 ).Thus, here, as is the case regarding porn watching and other attitudinal and behavioral consequences,
dosage matters
TABLE 3.4 Relationships between time spent watching porn and perceptions of female porngasm and sexual pleasure
Cordwainer Smith, selected by Hank Davis