Mexican hat
around to it as soon as Petra announces Hector's death was a murder."
    "Can we trust her to do it?"
    "The exit wound in Hector's back is pretty hard to miss," Stiles reassured him. "If you want more, we'll have to do our own investigation."
    "We?" Kerney queried.
    Stiles grinned. "Why not? You got something to lose?"
    "Not really."
    Stiles slapped him on the back. "Neither do I. Besides, my uncle is the chairman of the state Game and Fish Commission. How's that for job security?"
    "That should keep you on the payroll." Kerney looked at the sky. Maybe four hours of sunlight left, he figured. Enough time to get back to the Mangas campsite before dark. "What are we waiting for?" He started for the horses.
    "You got a plan?"
    "First we talk to the lookout at the fire tower, then we visit everybody who lives on the road to Mangas. How many cars travel that road in a day?"
    "I'd say no more than ten," Stiles answered, quickening his
    Mexican Hal ■ 77

    pace to keep up with Kerney. "The highway department says it's one of the lightest-traveled roads in the state. They want to make the Forest Service maintain it. Only five families live on that road."
    "Maybe somebody saw something."
    "Is this real police work, Kerney?" Stiles was grinning from ear to ear.
    "Yeah, but don't get your hopes up."
    Carol Cassidy stopped them before they could leave the meadow. She greeted Jim Stiles and turned her attention to Kerney. "Are you taking off?"
    Stiles answered before Kerney had a chance. "Yep. We'll leave it in the hands of the experts."
    Carol laughed, an amused, throaty chuckle. "It is like a zoo out there," she agreed. "If I knew what to do, I'd put it right," she added, looking directly at Kerney, waiting for him to volunteer.
    "Ma'am?" Kerney said, as innocently as possible.
    Carol laughed again. "I can see that you two will make quite a team." Her expression became thoughtful. "What would you have done, Kevin, if this crime had happened in Santa Fe when you were chief of detectives?"
    "I'd kick everybody who doesn't belong off the meadow, assign my best people, and give it top priority," Kerney answered.
    Carol nodded as Kerney spoke. "I've been thinking the same thing."
    "Let me guess," Stiles interjected sarcastically. "You're going to ask Charlie Perry to handle the case."
    Carol didn't laugh. "Don't do that to me, Jim," she snapped. "I am not going to get sucked into sniping at a colleague."
    Stiles clamped his mouth shut, swallowed hard, and nodded. "You're right. Sorry. I was out of line."
    i c h a e 1 M c G a r r i t y

    "No damage done," Carol replied, turning her attention back to Kemey. "Kevin, I want you full-time on this investigation until further notice. Tell me what you need and I'll try and get it for you. Use your discretion on how you want to proceed and keep me informed. But remember, your police powers are limited."
    "I understand. I'd like Jim to work with me, if that's possible."
    Carol's eyes widened in mock disbelief. "I said use discretion, Kevin, not poor judgment."
    Stiles groaned and clutched his chest. "That hurts. I am truly mortified, Mrs. Cassidy."
    "Good," Carol responded with a chuckle. "I'll call your boss, Jim. He's sat at my dinner table too many times to turn me down if I ask for a favor. It won't be a problem."
    "Good deal," Jim said, his eyes dancing with pleasure. "Thanks."
    Carol nodded. "Get going," she ordered the men.
    After Carol left, the two men mounted and started down the trail. Jim Stiles looked over his shoulder, brushed his mustache with a finger to force down a smile, and said, "Hot damn! Real police work."
    Kemey shook his head and rolled his eyes in response. From the meadow behind them the sound of Carol's voice, magnified by a bullhorn, floated down the trail. She ordered the area cleared of nonessential personnel. One of the helicopters fired up and soon flew over the men as they pushed the horses through the canopy of the forest.
    AMADOR ORTIZ watched his crew through the

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